Thanks! Yeah, I'll probably cave. Ironic that this is the title I have the least hype for, and it's gonna be the only one that I got the LE for. I feel kind of ashamed. Ah well. Let's hope it does keep my interest.
You were probably getting error messages such as: 502, bad gateway. This was because of a DDOS attack. Basically the servers got overloaded by some retarded kids. Someone told me the analogy of "trying to take a 20 foot long **** into a 5 inch tube. Our tech admin, Kajin fixed the problems and asked us not to make a big deal of it so he asked for no threads or blog posts ETC... Anyways now you know.
To be fair, the more paths there are towards a base, the better it is to stay on top of the base. Designing a one flag map where it is best to control the nuetral ground is tricky, but I suppose that the sword platform could be elevated to the same height as the base (or the base could be lowered), so that you could keep defenders off of any part of the edge of the top around the flag. I'm surprised that you didn't mention the bridge, though- it's like an alternate objective which is sure to break standoffs once activated. I think that it also doesn't have enough spawning room for 8 defenders. Perhaps the ground could be expanded both to behind the base (it could be a garage or tunnel at the back bottom of the base) and to the side of the wide ghost ramp for spawning which is out of view of attackers and not so close to the entrances of the base. A neutral mongoose either on the lowest part of the map (Active Camo) spawn could be interesting.
Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Absolutely Unacceptable! -343 GS I know that 343i has made some pretty bad choices in their time, but to make that bad of a choice? I don't think that's even remotely possible. That decisions would be 100x worse then their decision that dropping the flag wasn't going to be a part of Halo anymore. I think it's pretty safe to say it won't be considering we can play a Reach map any time until the servers are shut down.
yes, theyre not good. zealot isnt horrible, but there have been better arena maps in previous halo games. countdown, on the other hand, gives me nightmares. but that could have more to do with the actual game mechanics of reach than the map itself.
If a Reach BTB map is remade, I will hunt them down. Screw Reach BTB Dev maps. Boneyard, Spire, Highlands, Paradiso, and most of the Community BTB maps just made me cry. The Anniversary BTB maps and Breakpoint are pretty good, but honestly there are a lot of better BTB maps out there. Sandtrap, Burial Mounds, Longshore, I really don't think they can go wrong.
reach didnt even have any original BTB maps, did it? maps made for invasion dont count. edit: oh yeah paradiso or whatever. meh
So wait, the LE comes with the online pass which comes with those two helmets (one of which is the scanner)?
Hey, the ring concept for Zealot actually wasn't a bad idea at all. Or at least I don't think it was. If 343 remakes Boneyard, Spire, or Blood Gulch, I will personally commit suicide not buy halo 4.
I don't think anyone has said anything about Zealot. The remake has been confirmed to be a BTB map though, so Zealot is kind of out of the picture.
In other news today, the ongoing mass suicide in front of 343 Studios seems to have slowed down, with 343's retraction of the statement they released yesterday detailing the remaking of a map called Sword Base. Experts are still concerned however, as there have been rumors of a 'Blooming BR' due to be announced next week...
I like how they have said that the remake is a LARGE OUTDOOR map and people are still hoping it is a small arena type map....