Well, have you ever heard the saying that you have to teach to the lowest denominator? You can't include a really fun gametype if a large percentage of gamers just aren't going to understand and enjoy how the gametype works. With something as simple as GB, you get people that work out how they can best play the game, with strategies and plays and teamwork, and people that just hit things until they day. You appeal to both ends of the spectrum, even if it's only tangentially competitive. And with all the new GB features, they're actually making the deeper competitive end more diverse, by including an actual use for the sword, and throwing the grifball, and the instant re-sets. They're trying their best to make a gametype that can appeal to hammer swinging idiots appeal to people that want a challenge. You're not going to find that with a lot of minigames. Something that can be really really really simply played, and can also be complex and competitive.
yeah, thats exactly my point. grifball is simple and easy to pick up, yet can still require strategy and be very competitive. which is what makes it so popular. why would they make a entire playlist dedicated to a mini game that, while it may be very good, only an hundred or so people would play because of complexity instead of giving grifball its own playlist?
So Frankie gave out a clue on what the remake map is. "Carta De Oaxaca" So far, one of the best guesses, IMO, is Sandtrap because here are some pictures of the Oaxaca Pyramids:
I'm going to be really disappointed if it's sandtrap. That map played horribly, and it's only redeeming quality was that it had elephants, which weren't any good for gameplay. They were just fun. But, we've already seen that there is some giant vehicle in campaign that resembles the Elephant, so I could see 343i putting those vehicles on a sandtrap re-make.
all maps (including DLC) -outdoors -big -sandy/general structure Blood Gulch Burial Mounds -emphasis on burial mounds Sand Trap my money is on either Sand Trap of Halo 3, or Burial Mounds of Halo 2 If I had to choose one, It would be Burial Mounds, as (1), Sand Trap is still too new, and (2) pyramids=tombs
If it's Sandtrap all faith is gone out the window. Sandtrap is literally the map I rank as the absolute worst map of Halo 3 and one of the worst maps in the entire series. However, given that they've shown that stupid elephant looking thing a few times it most likely is. Edit: Also, anyone else get the feeling that BTB is being heavily, heavily pushed? I don't necessarily mind it too much, because lolbig team is fun but I don't want to see other stuff left behind. So far we have: Exile Longbow (probably Sandtrap, maybe Valhalla) and honestly I feel like Adrift is going to be too big for real 4v4. I know that could easily change in the 10-13 maps we are going to get but so far they've showed off two dedicated BTB maps, a very large and slow playing 4v4 and a real 4v4 and the map they're hinting at is most likely a BTB. Just sketches me out that over half of the maps so far seem to be dedicated 8v8. 4v4 maps can be very versatile, but 8v8 has less options.
Sandtrap was one of the least memorable or interesting maps in the game. If that was what they chose to remake, then they chose wrong.
eh. it doesnt necessarily say anything about pyraminds. and carta typically means map or paper. maybe theres a clue in the map of the mexican state of oaxaca:
I won't mind this so much, as Big Team was absolutely mutilated in reach to the point where I can barely enjoy the playlist, even when in customs it is my preferred game size. I doubt they will be all big team, but because of the ability to sprint at all times they did say more maps would be on the larger end.
Longbow would start to get pretty crowded with 16 on the map at once. Its not as big as its made out to be (played at comic-con). Its more of a squad-size map.
I didn't dislike sandtrap (the only H3 BTB map I hated was Sandbox), but it certainly wasn't a good competitive map. The asymmetricness, which forced the absence of team spawn zones, created randomness. It's never impossible to use teamwork to your advantage on any map, or have the options to make a variety of good and bad decisions by learning the map, but this randomness is still the worst foundation for a competitive map. Considering how powerful the laser was, it wasn't a bad thing that both lasers couldn't be controlled constantly by a team that wasn't so much better, but no one could have much of a clue where the enemy laser guy was in the middle of a match (or if there was one), how best to protect their own (because of the random spawns and minimal cover), when or where to travel in a vehicle to be safe, or who would spawn close to the laser spawn when it was about to respawn. The same could be said about vehicles. One thing that surprised me, however, was how little trouble I had sticking to cover, even against good teams, considering how sparse it seemed to be. There was a bit of trouble, but not as much as I expected. It offered a more frequent chance to play with vehicles, and that was probably its only strength. Sandtrap wouldn't be the hardest BTB map to imitate (not replicate, but recreate the gameplay and geometry of) if they gave enough flat open space. I guess showing BTB maps isn't the same as showing off BTB, but I think that it's appropriate to show off BTB, seeing as how both AAs in Reach and loadout customization in H4 (a greater selection of rifles, TPs and SUs) seem to fit better in BTB. There were lots of small reasons why BTB happened to balance most Reach AAs (besides camo), but the ability to so finely customize and add different roles works better with an 8-player team. With vehicles, more objective gametypes, and a lot more possibilities for different types of firepower and teamwork, you would expect there to be more roles. The Stability (scope), turret and vehicle mods are clearly designed for BTB. BTB is by far my favorite playlist, but don't take the previous paragraph to mean that I'm thinking positively or differently about H4 changes, or that these changes are necessary to create specialized gameplay roles.
The hint is talking about a mexican restaurant located half an hour away from 343i studio. It is on a waterfront. Interesting. I read the entire menu and still no clues