What if the Covenant in Halo 4 are evil because they are the remnants of the Covenant Army inside the Long Night of Solace that got teleported to Requiem with Jorge. Now there's a proposterous theory.
If "flag must be at home" scoring isn't an option, they'll have officially changed every single thing I enjoyed about Halo CTF.
I honestly don't see why they're doing it. I understand the pistol thing, it's to balance not being able to outrun sprinters. But I can't think of a single good reason to make it auto-pickup/No drop. They're even acknowledging that people will want to toggle that off, and they're responding with "we might allow you to do that in the future, but not at launch, because we want it to be this way". That doesn't even make sense.
What I hate most is the utter lack of gametype customization. This was my pet peeve in reach and it looks like they are doing the same thing again.
@security: I don't know if you were referring to me when you made the comment about them catering to certain interests but what I was referring to when I said I don't know why they chose to focus on Roosterteeth and grifball is that there are a ton of decent sized communities and popular mini games that weren't given the focus that grifball was. What about battletracks? Cat n mouse? Hell, how about one of these big forging communities since, you know, forge is already a major component of the game. It just seems odd for them to have selected this one iteration of a gametype to focus on. Not only that, they put more focus on it than other major components of the game. Grifball comes from forge...so make forge better and you get better grifball and better new opportunities as well. As for the comments on their demonstrations and ''new features'' shown thus far: I can see the point about wasted time and resources. I am not bothered that they added things like magnetism and highlighting insofar as they've fixed the real problems. Tell me framerate issues are gone. Tell me I can actually merge pieces in interesting shapes because their textures aren't ridiculous. Tell me items don't move after I've saved. I don't need this stuff demoed just confirmation. I understand its boring stuff so just throw it in a neogaf post or a bulletin. What scares me is that I haven't heard these things. This isn't a big reveal type of deal, it is small but important stuff. After that all I need is a good pallet. Also my apologies on any spelling errors, my swiftkey expired
Actually I was just referring to scorch. Btw, I understand why 343 is putting so much effort into grifball, what I don't understand is why Bungie did. They didn't have the knowledge that it would be one of the most popular playlists, yet they incorporated it into the game at every opportunity. lol
The flag carrier was slower than base speed in H3 and Reach (the latter of which had sprint/evade), and they increased the movement speed back to normal for H4, which would seem to make relative movement on par with previous halos. I think that allowing the carrier a sidearm is fair (at least in BTB), but that's a strange way to make up for being slower. Based on the bulletin, it seems as if they think that magnum battles are special.
Nope thats near impossible: 1. The rift would have sent them to one random point in whole entire universe making it highly unlikely they got to Requiem. 2. That ship was split into 3 major sections, most likely destroying any form of airlock, pressurisation, gravitational force and power sources, e.g, everything would be dead because from my understanding space affects the covenant too. 3. Its a ****ing black hole that'll mince whatever goes through it.
really? im pretty sure it was wildly popular when it first started in halo 3, so they further supported it in reach by giving it its own playlist.
What are you talking about? I'm sure they could look at every number possible. Who chose what map the most in which play list, what got played the list, etc.
im sure it wasnt terribly hard for them to see that a ton of people played grifball when it was in the double exp playlist or wherever else they had it some weekends, and then infer that a large number of people enjoy it. thus dedicated grifball playlist in reach.
Wouldn't the data be skewed by the fact that it was double exp? I'm sure many people played double exp grifball even though they hated it just for the exp. Also they could probably have chosen any shitty minigame and gave it double exp and tons of people would have played it.
not necessarily, they had other double exp gametypes besides grifball, and im guessing the population of double exp during grifball weekends was significantly higher than other weekends. i dont know this for sure, but i dont think its reaching very far. plus, there was definitely a strong response to grifball on the b.net forums and such. if i knew grifball was popular during halo 3, im sure bungie could have figured it out. everyone i knew thought it was a ton of fun during that first double exp playlist it was in. it really wasnt very hard to see that a lot of people enjoyed it, we're not talking about some mathematics proof that requires extreme quantifiable evidence. its a vidya game
I guess I just find it strange that Bungie would go through the hassle of creating a playlist based on a hunch. Did grifball get its own playlist before infection?
if not very many people ended up playing it, worst case scenario they just remove the playlist. not a ton of risk involved. it was just a variant of assault, they didnt create a new gametype for it like 343 is doing. but i do still think it was more than a hunch.
On a hunch? They ran a wide variety of double XP playlists on weekends. Grifball had the best numbers. And I think grifball and infection both got playlists at the same time. In Reach. I don't recall an Infection playlist in Halo 3, but I could be wrong. I didn't spend much time browsing the social hopper. Mostly I was respawning in ranked. But yeah - it's not like it was a shot in the dark - they had solid data telling them what people liked, and what made people rage quit and go back to TS.
Every single double exp weekend ended up with a playlist. Swat, zombies, doubles already existed. Grifball was one of the last and double exp definitely helped it gain any traction it got. People play grifball to mindlessly smash people with hammers or get the most amount of exp possible it has been this way for two games. Now thats not to say no one plays it to enjoy it bit the population that actually enjoys it is no larger than any other playlist or gametype and is absolutely smaller than those who enjoy vanilla halo. Why choose to focus so much on gb? Seems like a silly waste of resources when you could put them into areas thatll appeal to a wider audience. You could make the claim that since the vanilla game is already working they dont need to focus on it, yet theyve proven that they dont agree with that statement and have spent time breaking gametypes like flag. Instead of having a beta to test the changes to things like flag, they spent time working on grifball. Then if things like forge or theatre carry over their problems from reach Ill be even more annoyed with the focus on gb.