Maybe they could've included a few more awesome ones if they left out like 30 of the ones that suck ****. Seriously though, worst overall collection of armor we've gotten.
No Mark V... ;_; Also, I'm inclined to agree with tsb. Half the armour looks like a hideous cross between GUNGNIR and the Nanosuit from Crysis.
So instead of getting the annoying 'flag taken, flag dropped' we get music in overtime? Also their reasons for the flag not needing to be at home to score could very well be used to explain why it should be at home to score. So much for waterworks.
Don't quite get the stink people are throwing regarding Armor variants. It's an entirely subjective experience. What might "suck ****" to you might look nice to someone else. That's the entire point behind having variety. As far as not including the mark V variant, I suppose it's odd though at some point they gotta move forward past old designs bungie did even if that's just slowly phasing out old design assets.
I find 343's attitude towards flag pickup and flag dropping disturbing, and how they say that we may possibly get such options, but only further down the road.
Waterworks was not really indoors. It had an open sky, but had cave walls that built up around it. It obviously reduces my hopes of it being Waterworks, but I wouldn't call it totally out.
Honestly, as much as people would want other maps... it's probably going to be Valhalla. Which isn't a bad thing, that map was really good, and could theoretically work decently in halo 4. Also, it was the big open two base map of halo 3, just like coagulation was for CE. And, more importantly, they're going to be trying to prove that they can do different stuff from bungie. They're probably not going to pick any maps that have been done in multiple games, or have been added to a game as DLC, like Black out or avalanche or any of the anniversary maps.
Yeah I was just being an ass lol, the point does indeed stand. That's basically what I've always thought of Valhalla as well, I'd love to see it return.
i want the remake to be containment.. but made out of forge pieces, so that it can double as one of the forge worlds, a snowy one at that.