Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Everytime a team scores a try, there is still a kick off, just like American Football.

    Not quite. In grid iron (american footbal is called gridiron here) you get a sort of reset after a team fails to make it 10 yards in 4 downs, in Rugby you keep going until you score or the other team gets a turn over depending on wich version you watch. (Test Rugby, League, Aussie Rules and so on.....) Rugby is far more entertaining to watch than grid iron IMO as someone who has lived in a football dominated society and a rugby dominated society.

    And now back to your regularly scheduled Halo 4 discusion. Pegasi, some of your opinions are getting damn close to trying to be facts. Just because you did not enjoy neutral bomb and what not does not mean those games played horribly.
    #5701 Waylander, Sep 3, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2012
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Fair enough. I'm not gonna pretend to know the specifics, but in fairness I did say "in much the same way" which basically means in a similar way. In the terms in which we were talking, ie. resetting, I'd say that qualifies as pretty damn similar.

    Neutral bomb is fantastic. I had a go at neutral flag. This isn't because I don't like it. It's because you only have to control your half of the map to theoretically win the game, and this is the side you inherently control unless you're getting stomped on any way. I'm not telling people not to enjoy it, but in terms of objective balance I maintain it's kinda dumb, sorry but I stand by that.
  3. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    @Wood Wonk, It looks like ODST, but as mentioned it's technically called Recruit Armor and there are some big differences, especially in all of the areas around the visor. And it's only for LE. Go figure, the one new helmet I really like...

    @Peg, I think Neutral Flag is dumb too. The only real fighting happens when the flag is on the stand/still in the middle; once a team gets it to their side, they almost always get the point.
  4. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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  5. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    That's pretty ****ing awesome. I look forward to the customization process so much.
  6. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
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  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    There are some things I don't agree with about halo 4, but that looks really fun.
  8. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Halo 1 -
    Armour colour. So you can tell different people apart at glance.

    Halo 2 -
    Secondary armour colour. Lets you mix your armour with two colours.
    Emblems. Makes lobby card/ groups easier to distinguish.

    Halo 3 -
    Service Tags. Makes it easier to distinguish between different players at range, see their location through walls, whether they're in combat, e.c.t.
    Armour pieces. Adds a little differentiation between player models.

    Halo Reach -
    Visor colour. Extension of Armour pieces. Doesn't change much.
    Nameplate. Extension of Emblems. Doesn't change much.

    Halo 4 -
    Stances. Your player model will look different now when people scroll over it in the lobby. Fundamentally changes the way we play Halo 4 for the better, forever. Halle-****ing-lujah.

    Edit: Touche Noooooch.
    #5708 Transhuman Plus, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  9. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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  10. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
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    You couldn't change your armor in H2. You could only change the primary and secondary color. Armor permutations were not introduced until H3.

    I've seen this posted over at Blueprint. Homeboyd (a Cartographer) is pretty cool.
    #5710 Noooooch, Sep 4, 2012
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2012
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    I miss Elites in MM :(
  12. zeppfloydsabbtull

    zeppfloydsabbtull Forerunner

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    Thanks for the video, it clarifies how many slots there are for what have been referred to broadly as "perks" (2). It turns out that you can have stability and firepower at the same time. If there is an infinity BTB gametype (btw, I think they only need four classic playlists that are repeats of infinity playlists: Slayer, Objective, BTB and FFA), that is what I'll probably use- but who could resist infinite sprint (mobility) on a BTB map? I could.

    How is the light rifle going to be balanced? Of course, if it's as powerful as the BR in burst mode and the DMR scoped in, no one would choose either human rifle. If it is slightly less powerful than both (each individually) human rifles at each one's best range, the kill times will have to be so close that it's impossible to make decisions based on them, unless the kill times of the BR and DMR (across ranges you would find on a map like haven) would vary so much that the BR starts to be imprecise at a fairly short range (RANDOMNESS), and then the light rifle would fit clearly inbetweenm. In any case, the core of Halo (the utility rifle) has been spliced even more thinly than base abilities.

    I'll probably have more to say on tactical packages and support upgrades.

    That promethean grenade falls and activates quickly, and has a huge area of effect that looks uniform. Who knows if the effect is uniform, but it also lasts a certain time. These characteristics give it a lower skill gap, because not as much precision is required. It also looks like a better doorway blocking grenade to enable more getaways with less timing precision, as if the sticky detonator wasn't good enough, because you can't spawn with it.

    I think that the change away from single point rounds in grifball is going to have a worse competitive effect than allowing a single team to score points in succession, because in order to do that you still have to dominate the enemy team for a lot of time (in grifball terms), such that they probably didn't stand a chance no matter what the settings are. The problem is that the respawned bomb is a way for the team members who know, based on their current position*, or the number of enemies close to the bomb carrier, that they can't stop the ball carrier to hedge their loss by moving towards center court to either:
    1. Get near-guaranteed control of the bomb because the enemies were moving away from the center to try to score the bomb (and are now dead/just spawned or near/at the plant point), and then possibly hold the bomb to wait for the right time to advance, OR
    2.Use that bomb (backed up by any teammates who decided to move towards or beyond the center) to make up the lost point while the enemies are missing at least 1/4 their team from defending positions, probably 1/2 and possibly 3/4.
    You can see how the team that just scored is necessarily not in as good of a position to either contest the new bomb or defend as they would have gotten if a new round had started. The new round, however, provides both teams with a fair, equal start. The same round setting gives the team that has the skill to take the initiative (scoring the first point from an even start) a good chance that their point will be countered. Whether or not that pattern could continue after the counter, such that the other team counters the counter (and I doubt it would often, because the concentration (amount per area) and organization of players would be so minimal (sparse/diffuse) at the end of the first counter that there would be no pattern), the game would be chaotic (or at least complicated). I can see the merit of a more complicated game when it comes to forcing players to make hard decisions in what could be interesting situations, and possibly even thinking further ahead, and thus I can see why someone would like the new dynamic.

    However, it can not be argued that it does not give a greater challenge to the team that scores first. For a team to prepare for the new bomb by attempting to keep a player at the center would weaken the team's ability to clear a path for the bomb by 1/4. Trying to protect the bomb with everyone, however, gives the defending (no possession of bomb) team an obvious signal that moving towards the new bomb is the best option, and actually has a good chance of working.

    *a defender in current grifball can find that the bomb carrier has outmaneuvered the defender, possibly because of a distracting enemy. In H4, however, the ability to throw and knock the bomb quickly means that there is a much greater chance that defenders will ultimately end up prepared to stop the enemy, who threw it to a far away enemy, avoiding winning through sheer combat (as an alternative to the above scenario). However, if the defender has a good sense of distance and speed perception, this may just allow the defender to start moving torwards the new bomb. There is no easy way for the offensive team to score and stay on even ground.
  13. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Nah...that was back when Halo was cool.
  14. Sgt Surchin

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  15. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Dat reload perk is a massive difference in reload time. I think I'm gonna run Thruster, Shielding, and Dex on all my kits, assuming I step outside of classic for a bit.

    Honestly, these PAX games proved to me that I love how the core gameplay looks, but I vehemently hate all the **** they're adding on top. No sprint (120% movespeed), no AAs/perks and this game would look amazing IMO.
  16. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I agree with you, Scorch, except that I don't think 120 speed will be necessary. Halo 4 looks to be closer to Halo 3 speeds, so 110% speed is likely to be better imo, giving the necessary speed boost without deviating from vanilla so much as to introduce overbearing movement acceleration (the only downside of 120 speed in Reach).
  17. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    That's true, the acceleration at 120% speed bothered me a bit in Reach (although it still beat 100% speed+sprint). I really hadn't been paying too much attention to the base speed in the H4 videos I've seen (mostly because it seems everyone sprints everywhere...), but on second thought I agree that it does look fast enough that the 110% should be good enough. We'll find out for sure in November!
  18. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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  19. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    Damn I'm getting so stoked for this game! I'm gonna take my 3 hours personal time on November 6th so I can go to the midnight release and won't have to go in until 10:30 that morning.

    I don't agree with a some of the direction they're going(such as removing the skull from oddball), but ****, it's gonna be epic anyways.

    It looks like we're gonna have twice if not three times the amount of customization this time around. That makes me happy.
  20. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    well, its still a skull.. its just blue and fiery and inside a metal case

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