Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I don't think I could ever play with any of the layouts which have sprint on the left stick, crouching is way too important to me. Skyrim has made me notice that I crouch jump without even thinking about it now, not ideal mid battle with a mage...

    I'm surprised I haven't seen more CoD fans more pissed about the fishsticks thing, though maybe I'm reading in to it too much.
  2. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I usually can adapt to whatever is the default and the default for 4 doesn't look that bad to me.
  3. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    I use AA's all the time, and some of them require holding.. having that on a button just takes away from your movement. Plus reload/action was on X for halo 1 and that worked great. Sprint on a bumper makes sense to me.

    I prefer my sticks to be zoom and crouch (very easy to use while moving), and buttons to be one press actions (not press and hold) even though with my setup you have to hold B to assassinate, but I dont do that enough anyway. :shiver:

    Also, if you guys didnt notice, I beleive those the screenshots of the controller layouts were taken on a map we haven't seen yet. Kind of looks like a huge desert map, maybe part of Campaign, Spartan Ops or Multiplayer.

    You can tell that this older picture is on Adrift

    New map?
    #5463 Marcass2021, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  4. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    I highly doubt that it will be a new multiplayer map because with not very long untill release you would think they would at least have some progress on most of the maps.
    Besides why would they be playing on a map with absolutely nothing on it.
    My guess is that it is either a area of a map that we have not seen much (like the skybox on adrift)
    Not saying it is that but I'm giving an example.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure he's saying that it's a new map that we haven't seen/heard of yet, not a new blank canvas of a map.

    Also, earlier in the thread someone was saying that map remakes were confirmed, yet without a source. I'm now hearing that it was confirmed no remakes would be made, also without a source though.

    Does anyone have a source for either side?
    #5465 Playerhata27, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    In terms of what should be on bumpers vs. face buttons, since I switched to Bumper Jumper I've worked on the principle that bumpers should be used for things that you want to do without taking your finger off the right stick and losing reticle movement, even momentarily. In H3 I think Bumper Jumper was perfect in this regard, being able to jump and melee were by far the most important things to have on bumpers. If I'm reloading then I'm obviously not going to be shooting for a second, so losing reticle movement for a second is a non issue. Reload on the face button makes sense to me.

    Sprint is a toggle command, so I like it on the face buttons as well. Hold commands are the other reason to put something on the bumper, and this is basically an extension of the first reason but with an increased necessity since you're losing reticle movement for as long as you have to hold the button, not just for a split second whilst you press it. That said, it wasn't enough to sway me away from Bumper Jumper, and instead I don't use Jetpack which is a sacrifice, but a worthwhile one for me.

    I think Bumper Jumper is perfect tbh. I'm somewhat conflicted because there are really 3 buttons I want on the bumpers: jump, melee and AA (so I can finally use hold AAs). Jump is a necessity, and I'm torn between AA and melee, but overall I think the current setup is fine. Melee combat being quick and fluid is going to matter all the time, whereas going without JP is something I can bear, annoying as it is. Hardlight Shield doesn't appeal to me, so as long as Pro Vision is toggle rather than hold (has anyone who's played the game confirmed this?) I'll be alright.
    #5466 Pegasi, Aug 30, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2012
  7. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    Technically neither side is confirmed. What happened was that 343i said that most of the maps would be new.
  8. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Ya so as elite said they said MOST this caused speculation that new maps could be returning.
  9. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    If they do show another map at PAX, it better not be a ****ing remake. We know what those look like already, show me something new.
  10. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    That looks like a new human vehicle. Either that or there's something behind the warthog that is making it look misshapen.

    I'd agree, but crouch being on anything but movement stick feels wrong, or Melee as anything but "B". Guess i'm stuck with Recon. If it weren't for (****ing) sprint occupying one of the buttons, control schemes would be completely manageable. Or at least as manageable as they were in Reach.
  11. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Looks like a blurry warthog.

    **** you shuman
  12. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Shuman, did you ever try Bumper Jumper for any length of time? It took some serious getting used to for me and I'd occasionally reload instead of meleeing even months down the line, but it was such a revelation that I didn't even care. I agree about crouch though, on the stick its accessible, logical and familiar.

    I'm with you on the vehicle. It could just be at a weird angle but it looks like a warthog after something fell on the middle of it.
    #5472 Pegasi, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
  13. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bumper Jumper is awesome.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Bumper jumper is for noobs! Default forever!

    Yes, I am too lazy to try a new control scheme.
  15. That Scorch Guy

    That Scorch Guy Forerunner

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    Sprint on a face button really isn't that bad, once you get used to it. Same with AA. I don't really like many of the hold-to-use AAs anyway.
  16. Noooooch

    Noooooch Forerunner
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    Anything new from PAX yet?
  17. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
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    Sticking to Bumper Jumper. Got my X and B buttons mapped to the underneath of my Scuff Controller, so using either for whatever the purpose doesn't bother me. Love using AA's with my X. :p
  18. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
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    By the way, who here uses their middle fingers for the triggers and their index fingers for the bumpers? I've been doing that ever since I first held a controller and some people call me crazy for it. Personally I can't imagine using the same finger for both the trigger and button.
  19. GrenadeGorilla8

    GrenadeGorilla8 Forerunner
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    Thats why I went with Recon. Its the closest to being H3's default controller setup.

    I tried doing that because I figured it would be more efficient not having to move my fingers. But I could never get used to it.

    Soooo that makes you crazy.
    #5479 GrenadeGorilla8, Aug 31, 2012
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2012
  20. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    Some people don't do it like this? I've always done the same as you. I thought it was normal. I'm sure it must be and some of your friends are clearly demented hand-freaks.

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