What the hell is a "Books"??? Seriously though, which book? I thought I'd read them all, perhaps I forgot.
Interesting achievement schemes, rather boring id say. There doesnt seem to be alot of acheivements, but id bet there putting in more. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Interesting achievement schemes, rather boring id say. There doesnt seem to be alot of acheivements, but id bet there putting in more. [br][/br]Edited by merge: So they're Releasing a new map! BTB BTB BTB BTB BTB! Asym! Asym! XO
wow, this acheivement list is shaping up to be pretty interesting. grav hammer's back. Also do you guys think that this implies that the force radius of the gravity hammer may be slightly bigger? also, with hunters appearing in mission six, we know that the covenant have much more to do with the story than just getting master chief to get outta bed. hmm... this'll be interesting. I just hope there are enough "poses" so that this doesn't get lame. also, am I the only person who wants female spartans to look more like... you know... females? I mean, the only way you can tell if someone's a girl (or at least playing as one) is by looking at how thick their legs are.
If by looking more like females, you mean adding boob-shaped breast plates to their armor, ie. Mass Effect/ Dragon Age, then no. It's silly, and it would never happen in a modern military.
no, but implementing curves and what not. I'd rather not be too specific on this because I could totally see this getting weird... and awkward... especially when a girl shows up and corrects us.
You must have missed the part where me and ThatScorchGuy were going to sit on a porch and yell about them. You're welcome to join us!
Hop aboard! Seriously...did visors go out of style or something? And Grav Hammer back hm? Well, can't say I'm surprised. Also, only 8 missions? They promised a long campaign...these better be hour-long missions...
WELCOME, ONE AND ALL, TO THE GRAND OPENING OFFFFFF THE HELMET HATING CLUB! I urge each and every one of you lovely folk to join us in our endeavors to piss and moan about the visor-less mess that is Halo 4! Come on in!
You brought it up, I demand specifics. Define curves. in your mind, what would they add/take away? Heh. Icwutudidthar.
They can't change the hitboxes for each choice. That wouldn't be fair. So the figure needs to come very close to the male figure. That's why the Reach choice was rather insignificant. Slight shaping wouldn't be too big of a problem, but that also means making separate armor models for male and female Spartans, which means double the time or half the choices. I don't think it's worth it.
Yeah, remember the hip attachment thingamajigs that stuck out half a foot on the female model? Especially on the Soft Case/ Pouch. Looked really dumb. Plus these new male model look really thin in comparison with Reach's models, so who knows how that'll play out.
you mean like [sub]ARMOR VARIANTS?![/sub] I really don't think we need an over exaggeration of sex differences in the armor, because, realistically, why? even the subtle difference of say, narrower waist would do.
i thought the female armor in reach looked plenty female, about as female as you can get without adding some Madonna cone-bras to the chest. the female variant had a slightly slimmer build, some hips, and if you turned it sideways, there was definitely a nice ass back there haha