I disagree. In my opinion, things like EMP charges not freezing vehicles and not being knocked out of scope when shot are actually decently big changes to gameplay.
if you don't scope people out with damage then getting multikills on teams just got that much harder.
Our complaints about the game are not that it is changing. Change is all for the best in most cases. people get bored of playing the same old thing all the time. What we are complaining about is that it is changing to being just another AAA title with nothing setting it apart from everything else and the only depth connected to it in anyway is the pockets of it's developers. Reach started it, so far 4 seems to be furthering it and 5 will probably finish it. That is how I see it and before you say I'm judging before trying, I'm going to say you are right, but I am perfectly willing for my current opinions change on 11:39pm on November the 5th when I pick up my copy. As for arguing which gun is the most genius ever, seriously shut the **** up. That is all PURE opinion based on individual play styles so unless you are going to say it in the context of speaking directly from your own (self admittedly limited) experience
well, you have to admit that the sticky detonator is pretty cool and maybe Halo 5 won't further it. I don't think that the progression of multiplayer has be linear. Maybe if reaction to it is good, they will keep it that way and let us get used to it. The only problem is that this is a new aspect to the game and if they take it out, it will be just multiplayer with one less feature. Our best hope, (that is, if we hate it), is that 343 will change it into something slightly less [insert complaint here]. well, this discussion is dead. How 'bout that mech? I know the campaign is all about finding an outpost of enemies and taking them down with your own style, but I really want there to be at least a short segment of the campaign where you just rampage through a bunch of grunts.
I hope the railgun is a decent successor for the GL. The detonator looks useless. I think I'm going to miss the GL more than I miss maulers and brute shots. And what's so bad about shedding stickies? I mean, obviously a 'shed sticky' button is OP, but contact removal took serious skill in H3. I saw my buddy do it on Guardian and it blew my mind.
Hopefully Thursday when FanExpo starts. That would be awesome, because I might actually get to go to it. As for bottomless detonator, probably like a slow bottomless GL. I doubt you can fire more than one grenade at a time, as it brings up the detonate command one you fire one.
Well, we didn't see gameplay on Longbow until after E3 as far as I can recall. It was however teased a little first. The closest to 'teasing' something I've seen recently would be specifications. *shrug* I've got my fingers crossed. If they're not going to put energy into Reach (to pre-hype us for H4) then they ought to keep feeding us information. I mean, that's what we pay them for, right? To keep us entertained? A beta would have been so nice. Even if it was only functional for customs. I'd be happy with a copy of the E3 build. It's a shame M$ charges out the ass for certification. If I were them, I would release a demo on PC to circumvent the certification BS. Ah well. I'll keep on hoping..
Whoa theres 522 pages in this. Anyway, Halo 4 is almost here! (As if you all didnt know that). I was going to buy anniverrsary map pack for reach, Nut then Halo 4 is coming so I wont. Well, I like the new specializations. (Theres a thread for that here: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...28-how-about-those-armor-specializations.html ) and the forge seems interesting: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-...39889-getting-ready-halo-4-a.html#post1535829
Oh, because the grenade flies off, and you're not performing the reload animation to put the next one on. I see. We'll have to see how they handle that. If it's like the needle weapons though it'll just be firing shots out without losing the one on it's tip. Definitely going to break immersion, although bottomless clips isn't exactly the most immersible element.. lol
Lol I was going to post that vid but my Internet went down. GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!! lol jk as a multiplayer map it is rather unimpressive as of right now.
unless im judging the scale completely wrong, theres no way thats a MM map. or at least a good one. playing on that huge, flat open space would be horrid. i guess it could possibly be from campaign, or maybe even a forge space. we'll see. to be honest it doesnt even look like its from halo, but i suppose it is. the back looks like a space elevator, but the rest doesnt really look very UNSC to me.
you would think that if it was concept art for a MM map, there would at least be a map there. not just empty space..