The guy in the picture has "Firepower" on, a perk that allows you to have to primary weapons. We can go ahead and obviously say that at least the shotgun won't be a secondary weapon, but I personally hope it's not a primary weapon. Unless they nerf it. I don't see it working either way though.
Rage doesn't begin to describe it... Fire and brimstone is much more fitting. Fans storming the 343i offices and getting biblical on their asses would be more fitting. The sick twisted kind of biblical that you find in the old testament kind of ****. Shotties as primary weapons could be a deal breaker for me even getting the game.
Well, I know this subject has been harped on to death, but at least we have customs where we can set load outs. And hopefully there will be set load out categories of match making. Looks like I might just be playing customs and MLG all the time :C
Well there definitely was a statement about shotguns being in loadouts, and how it wasn't going to be that way in the final build, but I can't find a link to it. Wasn't the shotgun in the loadout screen from leaked video? The E3 build doesn't have the shotgun listed as a primary or secondary as far as I can see Halo 4 - Loadouts Explained - Weapons, Armor Abilities, Packages, and Upgrades - YouTube
Obviously I am pretty well known for being in a relationship with the Halo shotgun, but even I would be terribly upset if it were readily available. It's something you should have to earn. Also, ughhhhhh jetpack.
Halo 4 Gameplay + Commentary - Multiplayer Details - Neighbor POV - YouTube (jump to 0:59) It seems like you take even more damage per distance fallen than in Reach. And it wasn't subtle in Reach.
Just checking guys, but is it true that the default button for throwing grenades is no longer LT? If so, then they officially killed grenades in Halo forgood.
No, it is LT, but the Bumper Jumper at E3 had AA on LT and grenades on X or something. They said that none of the control schemes were final at E3 and they'll most likely change that.
Honestly, I don't see what all the hubris about fall damage is about. Yeah it sucks, but it does have some merit. Particularly in regards to balancing the vertical on maps.
At least the dreaded grenade spamming will lessen as people will not be able to pick up grenades unless if they have the resupply package.
NeoGAF - View Single Post - Halo |OT7| You may leave, Juices. And take Team Downer with you. That's David Ellis, employee at 343.
Being in a higher position should always be advantageous. Punishing players for dropping down and following people on lower levels is counter-intuitive.
Fall damage also prevents campers from stake out a snipin position, only to jump off the tower When someone tracked that person, allowing for a quick escape for the camper, or say bailing out of a damaged vehicle or perhaps using them as giant missiles.
Punishing players for doing something foolish is counter-intuitive? Isn't that how all hazards and disincentives work? There's nothing counter-intuitive about missing a jump on The Cage. I don't see why is should be so different on other maps. You miss a jump, you pay the price. If you intentionally try a jump you can't make, you deserve a suicide.
how is attempting to control the high ground foolish? and obviously fall damage doesnt apply to falling off the map below the kill barrier, thats something entirely different... and almost all times i take fall damage in reach, its because i intentionally fell to lower ground for one reason or another. quite frankly i dont really see someone missing a jump very often. jumping isnt very hard, you just press one button, move your control stick a bit, and maybe crouch. kinda hard to **** that up.