Indeed. However, I do know they consulted with specific community members, as Insane mentioned as much regarding himself ages ago (before his NDA), so presumably the cartographers as a whole were involved.
Oh yeah for sure, they know the worth of the community in general. Just saying, even if someone at 343 were paid to trawl through threads like this, I'd feel genuinely sorry for them.
Watching the RTX games on stream atm, Rooster Teeth guys vs. community girls. Splatters seem to be toned down which pleases me sooooo much. It looks like vehicles are a force to be reckoned with again, so there's no longer any excuse for the easy mode splatter mechanics.
Comic-Con this coming week. Don't know if anything will be revealed there though. Wish I had tickets, could totally go and play Halo :C
What i noticed was the way the forunner half of the map was quite a bit higher than the grass section, cant imagine that would be good for gameplay...
Perhaps if a ceiling or hard kill zone ceiling wouldn't be appropriate for a map with a gametype that offers jetpacks one could use no damage/ slow speed zones to accompany the soft kill ceilings so that no map suffers the same problem as Uncaged.
Can I get a link to the FULL HORSE game I'm tired of these two minute segments popping up everywhere.
Heh, I was literally just typing this. Maybe some fans can coerce some more forge information out of the panel there.
Halo 4 (Multiplayer Gameplay) - YouTube Here is 'Nanners playing some halo 4. There is a ton of running away.
It pisses me off how Bravo keeps saying that the AR and Storm Rifle are shooting "paper bullets." That's bullshit and he of all people should know that, they look plenty powerful at their intended ranges. Compare how quickly an AR kills after shield pop with the same in Reach. If they were as effective as the BR/DMR at mid range and outwards, competitive Halo would officially be dead, if that's genuinely what he wants then I question why he ever went within 100 miles of an MLG event.
Redgicied (if thats how you spell it) looks pretty fun and sounds like there can be some very intense times in that.
No, just no. But yes it does look fun. Though it is just a spin off of Juggernaut and Headhunter, it looks very entertaining.