Most likely it is not. The screen looks like a dev interface for modeling and texturing objects. It does superficially resemble forge (except for the lack of a map in the background), but I'm fairly sure it isn't.
what i would love is the ability to make your own control set up.. like be able to set what ever button you want to what ever function you want.. My setup would be similar to most of what i've seen in the post
10 new weapons?? I'm excited about this. I'm assuming they can't all be promethean. So we know of the sticky pistol, scattershot, light rifle, and storm rifle. From the leaked pictures there's (supposedly) a promethean sniper and grenade launcher-esque weapon, so that leaves us with with 4 new weapons we have yet to see Would the carbine technically count as new since it wasn't in reach?
I doubt it. That would be a dirty ploy. Sticky Detonator Railgun <-- you forgot this Scattershot Light Rifle Storm Rifle Promethian Sniper Promethian launcher So for the three remaining, I guess the options would be basically some obscure human or covenant weapons or more promethian counterparts. Seeing as there are already a buttload of human weapons returning, and the covenant seem to play a secondary role in this game, my money's on more orange reimaginings. I'm hoping for a sword style weapon, a sentinel beam style gun, and some sort of epic turret somewhere between the machine gun turret and the missile pod in terms of function and power. Or a flamethrower. Flamethrowers are always good.
Or have the ability to alter your environment, and place gadgets like wedges, levers, elevators, pulleys, etc. You know? The ability to create a moving environment! =D [br][/br]Edited by merge: Flamethrowers are always nice lol. I'm not sure the Prometheans will have a melee focused weapon, since they have the scattershot (which to me reminds me of just a Forunner shotgun, and I wished it was a little more eccentric). Not that the scattershot is bad though... Perhaps they'll have a gun that shoots out two bullets (plasma, metal, or even light) every-time you fire it, instead of one or a ton with automatic. My money is on a new turret hopefully, and I'm just going to wait and see for the rest.
I'm getting more and more excited for Halo 4. My Halo 4 boner is now getting harder instead of softer like it did first.
If the Carbine doesn't count as "new" which it probably doesn't, then that would mean we could see more than just 3 mysterious weapons. There could be 3 brand new weapons, plus things like the SMG, Beam Rifle, Brute Shot, Sentinal Beam, and any others I'm forgetting. It would be badass if they brought back every weapon in Halo history; and it seems that it could be a strong possibility since they're bringing both the BR and DMR back.
I'd like new weapons that encouraged new gameplay options. The sticky detonator looks like an attempt at that. I want to see more like those. I really hope they aren't a slew of Promethean weapons that serve as 'counterparts' to the Human/Covenant weapons. Two sets allows for some decent variety. Three starts to overlap features and create unnecessary weapons. I'm still not completely sold. I want to see some sign at dominant classic playlists (By dominant I mean big playlists and gametypes that will attract attention and serve as a key playlist) and forge. That would be comforting. EDIT: Personally, I don't see a reason to bring everything back. Most weapons were taken out because they filled the role that another weapon now occupies, such as the SMG (Filled by AR) when dual wielding was removed), Brute Plasma Rifle (Plasma Rifle was too similar), BR/DMR (I know both are in, but they're both Utility hence no BR in Reach), Mauler (Shotgun)... I don't want to see those return, honestly (Save the BR, which I want but not the DMR). Alongside that list I see no reason for the Plasma Launcher/Fuel Rod (Take one out), Grav Hammer and Plasma Repeater, but I doubt they'll leave too. I don't like having multiple weapons that are used in nearly the same exact manner. The two classes of weapons offered a slight change in tactics and usage (Plama Rifle to AR, Carbine to BR) but were not as close as say Hammer and Sword, which are both matches to the Shotgun. You don't need both. I'd like to see completely new weapons with no match and unique functions. No more "This is the Forerunner version of XXX", but "This is a new shiny toy that plays differently".
In a nutshell, that reason is "loadouts." I called it a long time ago - we're going to have a lot more weapons, and many of them will be nearly interchangeable.
But then you start getting contrived and confusing weapons. I mean, there are only so many roles a gun can fill. I'd prefer subtle variations allowing for subtle customizations to playstyle over weird mechanics like stasis guns and remote controlled rockets.
Sooo... The Rooster Teeth convention thingy is coming up... Isn't that where Bungie unveiled Forger 2.0 prior to Reach's release? Think 343i might pull of something similar this year?
why does it matter if there are redundant weapons? its not like you'll have every one of them on every map. its just more diversity to forge with.
It would be nice to be able to theme a map by the weapons available on it and still have access to a reasonable sandbox.
In practical terms: a reasonable amount of time spent designing, creating (visual and programming) and balancing extra weapons is time that could be spent doing something else. Maybe I'm still just a little bitter cause Reach in particular seemed a little rushed in some arguably small but very noticeable ways. But still, genuinely redundant weapons just aren't worth the time, and as soon as you start actively working them in to the game and giving them a character other than just being a reskin, they start affecting the wider game around them in balancing terms to some extent.
And I sometimes wonder why I don't post anything in this thread... People are too caught up in their own on going conversations to even bother looking at something some one knew says. Fail thread.
I read it Schnitz. And I loved your word use... 'the'... classics never die. I also wasnt aware of Forge 2 being announced there last time, lets hope it becomes a tradition
Or kiddies can stop blowing each other for half a damn minute and look at contributions from outside their pea sized sphere of influence.... @Audiance: I'm definitely hoping to hear something new at the Rooster Teeth thing, even if its not forge related... It would make sense if it is forge related though, especially considering the role it plays in machinima's these days...