Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.


    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Since I haven't played on it, I'm not sure how "huge" it is, but I agree with nibbles. I completely invite huge maps as they are my favorite and I still don't think that reach has that classic big team map yet. Highlands is close to being that, but not quite there IMO. If it was made another forgeworld I'd be all for it, but I'd like it to also flow like a normal map as a whole unlike forgeworld does
  2. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    After watching it again, i've come to this conclusion. Feel free to disagree.

    Firstly, if you watch him grab the weapon, it has the black cylinder on the front of it. This IS the explosive. He fires this, and then reloads it. There's no silencer.

    Secondly, that isn't a pistol. It's either a tool on the ship, or a completely new weapon. There's no way that's a pistol.

    Also, timberland is an incredible map, can't wait to play in on the xbox.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Pac you are missing the obvious question of why would you bother putting a silencer on a weapon that fires explosive rounds?
  4. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    I say he was just reloading with a new grenade.

    Anyways, let me just show you all how much you'll care about this trailer after playing the game. (not at all.)

    Here is how the teaser for Halo 3 showed Master Chief waking up after landing back on earth.

    YouTube - ‪Halo 3 Trailer‬‏

    Now, here is how he actually wakes up, according the the game/story.

    YouTube - ‪Halo 3 Campaign Walkthrough - Part 1 - Arrival‬‏

    Both are completely different, no one questioned how he had a bubbleshield or assault rifle upon waking up from his impact with the earth, and no one gives a **** now that they actually played the game.

    This will be no different.
  5. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i didnt think that was him waking up after landing on Earth, i thought it was just him getting up after being knocked down after getting by some blast or his warthog getting flipped. hence the flipped warthog with wheels still spinning right next to him and no crater from a 1000+ pound walking tank hitting the ground from a thousands of feet freefall.

    regardless, i still agree, the events in the trailer shouldnt matter that much.
    #405 Wood Wonk, Jun 29, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2011
  6. Furry x Furry

    Furry x Furry Ancient
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    Honestly, the CGI Trailers are just a way to broadcast some new concepts they're working on with little to no story background. That way, if they have to change something in the story at the last second, they can. It happens a lot in movies too.
  7. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Death island is pretty big, yes, but compare it to Infinity. Infinity is two circles, each of which is probably about equal to the size of death island; the only difference is that you can't go in the middle.

    I would bet anything that timberland is in though, I spent quite a while analyzing the maps for a specific little bridge that was in the trailer, and the only possible location it could be (outside of one area on the Silent Cartographer) is the rock structure appearing above the end of the river opposite the waterfall. It is the only place in any Halo: Reach map that has that geometry, and other than a different look its exactly the same.
  8. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    All my work on the Timberland remake for nothing?
  9. extremerozzer

    extremerozzer Forerunner

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    Unnfortunetly there will be no forge in halo anniversery.
  10. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Theres one thing we're forgetting about the H4 teaser. Its a teaser, designed to tease. Be that either new locations, weapons, game mechanics or characters. It has indeed teased us, but just because some new feature is in the teaser doesnt mean it will be in the game, necessarily. This could be the GL pistol thing, the micro-adjuster jets or the new look of Chiefs armour.

    The reaction these new additions have produced could very well make 343 go back to the drawing board and re-think what they previously thought was gold. Or, they could give us all the finger and leave everything how it is from the teaser. Its as much our game as it is theirs, but they're the ones making it, not us.

    Besides, like TSB said, we'll all forget about these new additions and accept them when we finally get our emaciated, sun-deprived hands on the game.
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Where did you hear that? Because everything I've read about for in Anniversary says that the multiplayer maps will in fact be 'getting more forge love'
  12. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Unfortunately*, (Read:Fortunately), there WILL be forge on the Anniversary multiplayer maps. 343i said it themselves.
  13. Security

    Security Ancient
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    The finger? I think the trailer looks awesome! Everything in it looks awesome! What's the problem here?
  14. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    Gotta love RRPs!

    The RRP for a full console game in the UK is £49.99, but I have never seen anyone sell them at that price, they're always sold at £39.99. Looks like you're saving money, but you're not really when thats the standard price everywhere.

    HCEA's RRP is £34.99, £15 cheaper than a normal game if you only look at RRPs.

    Ooooo you sneaky sales teams ;)
  15. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I was generalizing. By "us all" I meant, "the people bitching about the things they dont like in the new trailer". Personally, I think the new armour looks different, not in a good or bad way, just different. But I really dont care how it looks because its not going to stop me from playing the game. And I think adding new weapons or variations on weapons is better than re-skinning old fall-back weapons again, for the Nth time. Sure, youll have your usual staples in there, but I think new should outweigh the old.
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Dunno what you are talking about, I am too uncultured apparently, but where I live they always go for $60 per game. HCE? Its pulling $40, that is a 33% savings.

    Percentage is something anyone from any country can agree on, and a 1/3 off deal is spectacular in my mind!
  17. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    Thats a load of crap, we're getting ripped off in terms of games pricing in Australia. It seems that the average RRP for any given game outside of Australia is around $60-$80. Whereas in Australia, the average RRP is $100-$120. The USD is now lower than the AUD, and I know for a fact that games sell for around $60 brand new in the US, but for some reason, we're still being bilked out of our money. Thats why Ive started buying my games online recently. A lot cheaper than buying from a shop.

    For instance, I can pre-order Skyrim for a grand total of $38 online. $38!!!! In shops Id be looking at paying easily over $100, very likely $120 (or $119.95, as they like to do in order to make us think its cheaper). Admittedly, not every games retailer or stockist will sell it for that price. There are a few places that always sell new games around the $90, but if I can get it for nearly 1/3 of the price, why the **** not?
    #417 Xun, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
  18. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Just be thankful the games you like haven't been banned (yet). Michael Atkinson, what a ****ing moron.
    #418 Matty, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011
  19. Xun

    Xun The Joker

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    I agree with you on that point, but theres actually been a lot of progress on this front. I cant remember when, but theres a very strong following behind the movement in the governmental ranks to give games an R18+ rating in Aus now, and its going to be raised shortly in some kind of senate or some crap. I dont know much about how governments work or what they do, so dont quote me on the last part of that sentence :p.

    I do know, however, that if there is an R18+ rating introduced for electronic entertainment, there will no longer be an MA15+ rating (the ratings go G, PG, M15+, MA15+ currently). Which makes sense, considering theres already a rating for 15s and over, so why have two when theres already a rating for stronger than PG adult content.

    I dont know when or if this will be implemented, but I hope it bloody soon. Im sick of not having the option to buy a game that Ive been following for ages, because of one thing our government deems as "too adult", or even playing watered down versions of games. Yes, the rest of the world can blame our shithouse politicians for Bethesda changing morphine to stimpacks in Fallout 3, and having blood spurt sprites cover up the gore in the latest AvP, in relation to the execution moves the Aliens and Predator characters perform.
  20. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    They are trying. And the ones they don't manage to ban DO get edited.
    Think it was Bulletstorm that had all the blood removed or something like that.
    That's just one of the reasons I have yet to make the move over there. Even the higher pay scales cannot make up for a governments infringements on my personal rights to watch, read, look at, whatever the **** I want.
    #420 Waylander, Jul 3, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2011

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