I assume he meant in terms of preferred weapon choice rather than simply starting weapons. I personally think you're more likely to have success based on a playstyle set up around your starters, but tbh that depends on how much you can rely on drops. I know this will relate to Inf Slayer (and other gametypes which adopt personal ordnance, since I assume there will be others) specifically, but some guy on reddit who said he played at E3 was saying that personal ordnance is every 5 kills. Not for a spree, just every 5 kills, regardless of dying in between those kills. He's the only source I've heard say that, but if so then that's gonna be depressing as hell. Get 5 kills but die 15 times in the process? HAVE A POWER WEAPON!
I believe that 343 said that all you need to do is collect X amount of points to get an ordnance drop. So you could get an ordnance drop for getting nothing but deaths and assists.
I wish I could at least see some confirmation of the shotgun. I know there was an earlier leaked photo that showed it being a main weapon selection for loadouts, but that's since been removed, and they've been focusing heavily on the Scattershot. It's cool and all, but it's not a good enough permanent replacement to me. It just seems bizarre to me that they'd not at least throw it up with the other weapons on the website. Doesn't strike me as a "save it to show another time" type of thing.
I think in one of the RvB videos (the ones that revealed the release date of H4) showed the shotgun being held by someone. So I wouldn't worry.
Yeah, but it was just the reach shotgun. Not one gun looks the same as it used to, so that was obviously thrown in real quick to keep his character the same.
Any of the videos showed this as well. All infinity slayer videos that are a full match show the guy getting an ordinance drop after a few kills while also having died.
That is going to be really annoying. I had assumed it was every five kills with no deaths, which wouldn't have been so bad. Now everyone is going to be getting an overshield every five kills, or however many equivalent points. That's not going to be a good thing. (I guess the could pick the weapon, but everyone's been picking the overshield in clips and interviews)
Hopefully, god willing, they are still fine-tuning the drops and the options you get in them. OS shouldn't be available that often. Mid-level weapons like needlers and such - fine, that wouldn't really trouble me.
is there a source that says the covey carbine and SR are for sure getting nerfed and nothing else? i've only heard it from you. not that i dont believe you, just wondering. [br][/br]Edited by merge: honestly i feel like most people on here will be playing normal team slayer (which is most likely what i'll be playing) or even the stripped down classic playlist, so i couldnt give two shits about ordinance drops, i dont think i'll ever be in a playlist that has them.
It goes beyond that simple math, unfortunately, for two reasons that I can think of: 1. If infinity slayer is to team slayer as Reach's team slayer is to super slayer, then people may move to infinity slayer just to get games faster and play amongst a larger population. I play with a group on weekends right now and we prefer super slayer, but when games are slow or the playlist seems haunted by too many really good teams, we'll venture over to team slayer - even though we all love the TU and hate vanilla. I could easily see Halo 4 and infinity going in that direction, if people respond to it as 343 thinks they will. 2. If infinity is anywhere near as popular as I just predicted, it's the future of Halo. Maybe not Halo 4, but in Halo 5 you can expect to see ordnance drops, perks and loadouts and all that stuff integrated into a lot of places where it doesn't yet exist. Mark my words. They're not putting in these radical changes just for one playlist in one game. It's testing the waters.
i dont completely agree. i think a big reason not many people play super player is because it wasnt in the game at launch. i think if there were a playlist like it at launch, a lot of people would have played it instead of being forced to play normal slayer and are now used to it so they dont bother playing super slayer. or people who would be playing super slayer just got so fed up with vanilla reach in the beginning they either sold it or just put it down and never touched it again. and take gears 3 for example. they put in a new "team deathmatch" mode with respawns because they thought it would be more popular with newer players, and it is. but theres still plenty of people who play the classic warzone or execution playlists. and i definitely do not believe that they will have every playlist like infinity slayer in future titles.
Obviously I'm not sure of the specifics, but I don't think there are different "classes" of personal ordnance drops, so to speak. That negates any CoD-esque balancing, where more powerful rewards require more (be it a streak, kills, points or whatever) to get. That means that all things available for personal ordnance on a given map will have to be of equal value, which is clearly going to be very hard to do (OS being a great example, especially with the current invincibility length). Again, I'm by no means certain of that, but no mention has been made (to my knowledge) of different levels of personal ordnance. I don't really see how it'd work, since it just seems like a bar fills up, gives you a drop, then resets and you start again. I don't think there's any kind of cumulative aspect, and with no apparent way to "defer" your drop to gain something better, I can't see how they could have personal ordnance of more or less worth.
Well, there's certainly no 1:1 comparison, I agree with you there. But some playlists are in at launch and are far, far less popular than others. MLG and team objective were launch playlists; look how they fare next to team slayer right now. My concern is that infinity and all its new features are aimed at the majority of players who also play and love COD multiplayer, and if 343 is right, stripped down, old-fashioned team slayer will become an afterthought - if not now, then in the future of Halo 5 and beyond. But I'd love to be proven wrong. No way to tell now, it's just your prediction vs. mine. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Every, no. Lots? Maybe. Again, it remains to be seen. It's pure speculation on my part because I doubt 343 is giving it a lot of active thought right now - they're mostly trying to get MLG and other competitive players to not **** a brick every time Frankie gets out of bed in the morning. [br][/br]Edited by merge: That spells trouble, in my mind. If you tie OS to ordnance and every ordnance drop is the same as any other, then your options are either to give everyone something they should always take and that will unbalance the game, or nerf OS for the second game in a row. I'd much prefer some kind of ordnance class system. The simplest logic I can dream up would be easy to implement: have tiers of ordnance where the first is just a few basic weapon options, the second adds an overshield, etc. That way you have to get to 10 or 15 kills to get certain things, and you don't have half the players running around with overshield. In previous Halo titles the OS was usually on about a 2 minute respawn, I believe, which meant one player could get it every 2 minutes and 5-6 players total would have it for the entire game. Now imagine an equivalent game of infinity slayer where OS is an option every 5 kills, and six of the eight players manage 10+ kills, choosing OS every time. You just dropped 12 overshields into a game, and they're much more likely to be grabbed (due to player notification) than the old OS, which would often sit untaken for a minute or two. Effect on the game... not good. Unless they nerf the thing, which I don't want, even if it's just for ordnance drops (making the game more complex and confusing is not wise in my book).
They could just make OS very unlikely to appear as an option and make things like speed boost occur more frequently. Seems like a simple solution, though it adds more randomness to the game
I'm not sure what other playlists you think it could invade nutduster. I mean how many slayer gametypes are out in matchmaking? Unless you believe CTF, Assault, Juggernaut, or other objective or gametypes will get the features added in even if insanity slayer proves popular.
Did you call it insanity slayer on purpose? I have to admit, I laughed my ass off at that. I really do imagine it invading objective gametypes, yeah. Probably not in H4 though.
Any speculation on what ranged weapons we will be able to use in Team Swat? I remember back in H3 being able to choose between the BR and Carbine but in Reach I believe they limited it to the DMR and kept the Needle Rifle out. Think 343 will have the BR, DMR, and Carbine all in this playlist? If so, I wouldn't see the need to use anything besides the Carbine. That thing would wreck **** considering how fast it shoots. EDIT: Considering they even have a Swat Playlist. I don't think it's been mentioned yet but I can't see why they wouldn't throw it in.
I think that's precisely why they didn't allow the NR in Reach SWAT, the balancing against the DMR by making it 7SK is negated in SWAT, so everyone would use it. Pretty damn sure you couldn't use the Carbine in H3 SWAT, though. There were no loadouts (obviously) and no weapons on map iirc, so where would you get a Carbine?
OHSHIT. I forgot. I played a lot of Swat custom games with friends back then and we added the the choice of carbine. Nevermind on that one -__-