Would you prefer me actually playing? Pegasi sure wouldn't. And as for the scenario that chuck just played out.... awesome.
I'd rather play against (or with) people who are so good that they rape me than be stuck in a game with a bunch of people not even playing the game how it's supposed to be played. "unrelated" side note: Why is everyone who is really good at Halo so in love with themselves? Congratulations. You're really good at a video game.
Hey man, when I was good, the snipes were mine. I don't care if you were Shanon, those were mine. Support sniping ftw.
I found a waypoint thread Where the guy tells of some stuff he found in the June OXM. Most notably that the jet pack is more like a jump pack, which is awesome.
It's called having a healthy level of self-esteem. It does make me wonder if there's a correlation between bitterness and losing a lot though. E3 is only 2 weeks away Shanon, 343i will probably keep quiet until then.
So we can use it with Bumper Jumper controller settings? Is Jetpack being included with sprint or its a loadout you can choose? Do you think this would stop HLG?
I would imagine it is. I can only see the world imploding in on itself if they gave us unlimited sprint at all times.
I remember hearing somewhere that the time for use and cooldown 'felt' much like Reach sprinting- just that everyone has it.
Oh yeah, I remember reading that too. All right, so it's been pretty much confirmed that it's basically just Reach sprint, activated by pressing in left-stick. (ala COD/Borderlands)
Does this mean we're stuck with COD style B button toggle crouch? What is halo without the left stick hold for crouch option?
I also read that there were a **** ton of controller setup options. I can't promise there will be your perfect ideal setup available, but I'm sure there will be one or two you can get used to and feel at home with.
I'm a little concerned about the world imploding on itself anyway. Can you imagine trying to kill a guy who has both sprint and camo, or sprint and jetpack? "First I run away from you, then I turn invisible or fly somewhere you can't reach me! Bwahahaha!"
I'd assume It's gonna be assigned to one of the bumpers. Both sticks have a standard setup throughout all of the controller setups on all halo games, it's unlikely they're going to change something as solid as that.
Again, completely un-cited, but I seem to remember reading (perhaps in one of the outside articles done by KC/Louis Wu?) that it was on the stick by default. I really hate the sound of that too, crouch and zoom are way too ingrained in to my play style as being on the sticks, but as silence said we've been told that there are craploads of layouts to choose from so hopefully there will be something that suits us. I still don't see why they don't just give us custom control schemes. If we're getting loads and loads of layouts then the idea of simple, refined and unintimidating options goes out the window anyway, I see no logical reason for neglecting custom layouts in any console game these days, but obviously it particularly irks me when it comes to Halo.