Halo 4 News of 5/16 -Halo 4's new hero revealed. In the July edition of OXM, it is revealed that the new hero is a Spartan IV you play as. -Halo Bulletin. Good bundle of news detailing limited edition. -Halo 4 video found by Loscocco with a bunch of gameplay footage. Spoiler Halo 4 343 Industries Exclusive Interview - YouTube -GIFS from the video
Quoted from: The Halo Bulletin: 5.16.12 "The Halo 4 Limited Edition will be available at the estimated retail price of $99.99 and includes: • War Games Map Pack Access The competitive multiplayer modes of Halo 4 are known as War Games. The Limited Edition includes access to nine maps - three future competitive multiplayer map packs, each including three locations, available for download post-launch on Xbox LIVE. Yes, you read that correctly; you get nine maps in the form of future DLC with the purchase of the Halo 4 Limited Edition. Score!" So if I don't buy the Limited Edition I don't get maps that everyone who does has. Way to introduce day 1 DLC integration problems guys. Now I don't have to wait 3 months for screwy playlists and requirements. Seriously, that seems like a bad choice (outside of the realm of money of course.)
Ah, access to in the future. Phew, I was about to give up on 343i there for a second. I'm really glad I misinterpreted that. Thanks Benji! Now that my head is on the right way this actually is a good idea as it promotes players to stay with the game over a long interval. Besides that we are assured at least 9 future maps already!
There'll be exactly 3 map packs, because the entire DLC cycle will have been planned well in advance. Same, that's what kill feed text is for.
30 more bucks for three map packs to be released in the future, I'll pass. I'll just preorder the standard edition for regular price and buy those map packs when they come out. I don't want to preorder map packs that may potentially be complete pieces of **** that I wouldn't buy anyway. And I don't need that other crap that I can just unlock through playing the game. This preorder "exclusive" or "early unlock" **** needs to stop.
343 just went full retard. Just when we were trying to focus on other stuff and start thinking positively and hope the perks and unlocks won't be a too big thing, they **** us over big time with weapon customization and early unlocking. Seriously, some more of this **** and I ain't buying it.
Standard edition $60, Limited $100 (America) Standard edition $100, Limited $130 (Australia) Maybe $40 seems expensive to people who buy games for only 60.
Halo 4 Multiplayer Details Announced: Infinity Multiplayer, Spartan Ops And More - G4tv.com Here's what G4 has gathered up.
Did anybody see those jpegs I put up? They sum up why multiplayer is a huge fail. BIG time. Even EA can netcode better than that, and they haven't had previous games to rip nearly all the netcode from!
So, it seems like the vast majority of my time will be spent in customs to avoid... well, most of these announcements. We had best get TGIF's back on track, and the TG and RH in business for Halo 4, so there will always be parties I can join. Lol. I wish we could have our own "Server", like BattleField. That would be great.
Totally agree with you. If I do end up getting it, I'm going to avoid matchmaking as much as possible to keep away from all these new additions that detract from the game IMO. I just hope customs let you set up designated weapon spawns like classic Halo. I don't want to be stuck on these drop mechanics permanently.
Man, I love how sure you guys are that it's going to be terrible. Especially because, well, none of us have played it and stuff. Not only that, but you're claiming that customs alone will save the game. And while that may be true (similar to Reach), if the games as bad as you guys are making it out to be (which is totally justified) customs might not even be all that.
This whole post was all over the place. Lol. Like I said, I'm not looking at it in a negative light anymore, I'm simply saying I'm going to play campaign and customs, and avoid the crap out of MM.