Halo 4 Discussion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by thesilencebroken, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    So I came across a waypoint thread that linked (fairly) new post by Frankie from neogaf.

    I think it is awesome that loadouts will be catered to maps.
  2. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    get those words out of my mouth.

    we know how halo plays, what we have to go on is that + whatever changes to the game are announced. right now, i'm going with a big sigh of being extremely uncomfortable with what im hearing. After watching the explanation video and hearing the podcast, i'm even more weary. little things like saying Instant Respawn breaks objective games, but not team slayer.

    this could be just me, but the tone of 343 talking about it is so awkward. Theyre lacking confidence AND theyre full of themselves at the same time, i cant explain it, its feckin weird. Cramming in things like "WITHOUREXTENSIVEPLAYTESTING" into what theyre saying and such. I'm just comparing to the Vidocs and previews of reach, they were all so passionate about their game and you could tell. i specifically remember them talking about Forge World, they were enthralled. 343 on the other hand sound like a bunch of guys developing a game merely because it's their job. Maybe i'm just paranoid.

    The little things.

    God do i hope my gut is lying to me here.
    #2122 CHUCK, Apr 18, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2012
  3. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I agree. 343 seem to not care that this game is Halo at all. They say they want to stay true to Halo, yet this is the biggest departure from what is considered "traditional" Halo since ODST. If they really cared about staying true, why are they changing everything that made Halo unique?
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i feel like a game can make some changes and still stay true to the game, and as of now i still think 343 can do that. almost every "competitive" gamer bashes cod for putting out the exact same game every year, whats with the double standard?
  5. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Because Reach pretty much killed Halo. The halo "fanbase" is at it's smallest ever, and while a new Halo 4 based on the Halo 3 model might bring back some old fans, it's never going to grab the attention of casuals, COD fanboys, etc.

    They are literally covering their asses. I'm kind of excited for this game, but make no mistake, they are changing the formula to appeal to a wider audience, because at the end of the day they are a business, and businesses make money.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I'm not in favor of most of these fundamental changes either - but that's an extreme mischaracterization. A whole lot of what made Halo unique (e.g. two weapon slots, the basic control scheme, the art design, the combat mix of guns/grenades/melee, recharging shields with underlying health) will still be front and center in Halo 4, and some of the other aspects look like they will still be present in certain playlists and custom games. Let's not get too carried away focusing on what is different - much will be the same. And some of the rest isn't exactly "new" either, since loadouts and armor abilities were already in Reach.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    That link leads me to the Spartan ops video that you linked earlier

    As for the discussion on all the changes, I'm torn. All I have to go on is what they've said and what I've experienced in past games, so that's what I'm gonna use to form my opinions. I know that I didnt like the pseudo-class system in reach, so I have no reason to believe that I would like an expanded class system. I also didnt like the physics in reach, so I am excited for the more halo 3 like physics.

    What I really think though is that it mostly comes down to execution. If it's balanced well, it can't be too bad, right? Right??....
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    So cod-ish set default classes only map/gametype specific... interesting. I guess you can't say they arent trying. Should be work well. It seems like a rather diffucult thing to screw up.
  10. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Why don't they just have the AR and the DMR unlocked automatically and let the player choose which one to use?
    #2130 Security, Apr 18, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2012
  11. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    They don't have nearly as many guns as CoD, so they have to lock as many as they can, I would guess.
  12. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I'm just hoping that if they're going to make it so that we must unlock crucial guns, we can do so outside of standard matchmaking (maybe via spartan ops or campaign?) so you don't necessarily have a terribly balanced hierarchy of weapon command. This "hierarchy" kind of idea annoys the hell out of me when you must use complete crap to beat the best equipped players in order to be one of the best equipped players.

    An example of this is the Battlefield 3 jets: in order to get any equipment for the jet, you need to use a stripped-down jet and take out several veterans using heat-seekers, air radar, stealth technology, etc... It ends up being a massive ***** for anyone that wasn't lucky enough to get some tech early on by fighting people on par with them.
  13. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    To this day I don't think I've shot down more than half a dozen planes for this reason. It is aggravating.

    On the plus side, they've said time and time again that you'll be able to select the order in which you unlock things, and they said that any thing you "add" to your guns will be purely cosmetic, ie, no silencers, more stopping power, etc.

    Whether or not this crosses over into their "Perk" system, I have no idea.
  14. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    thats good, although i never expected them to actually put game altering weapon attachments in. i dont mind a personalization aspect, thats neat.
  15. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Yeah, it is at a certain level, but if I run out of ammo and pick up somebody else's DMR, I'm going to be totally taken out of it if it's bright red, covered in flames, and has a giant ***** emblem on the side, like in Black Ops.
  16. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Flaming ***** symbol on my BR.

    Finally, something I'm actually looking forward to in CoD: Space Job Extreme.
    #2136 Shanon, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  17. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Hahahahahaha. Full if epic lulz.

    Anyways, customization of any form, even if it's only camos, no thanks.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    I'm fairly sure that you will be able to unlock things outside of multiplayer. They have been making such a big deal about how your character and career crosses over from multiplayer into other game modes like Spartan ops, so why wouldn't the credits(or whatever the currency will be called) cross over too? I think I've heard them say you can even unlock things playing offline system link
    #2138 CAPNxXxCANT, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  19. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
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    Slightly off-topic; I used this as incentive to perfect my low-end skills in the Jet before getting the stuff that makes **** easier. For example, how many times have you dodged a heat-seeking missle by flying alone without flares? It's incredibly difficult to out maneuvre a plane while making heat seeking difficult for the missle. However, now when I fly and I've already deployed flares, I know a few moves that when timed right can make the missle miss you and hit the ground, or hit another Jet, or hit a badly damaged tank etc...

    I'm not saying the incentive will be there for people to perfect the use of the low-end weapons. But it will give them some insight into how well the weapons perform overall and at what their optimum distances are. Basically, with this system, it trains the newer players in Halo combat before just letting them run wild with everything. They can understand what works best in all scenarios. With my Jet in BF3, I use Air-Radar, Rocket Pods and Flares. Flares get the first missles off me, flying decent gets the rest off me, Rocket Pods assist all ground forces, and Air-Radar gives me that edge on finding opponents and out-maneuvring Jets. As I started from scratch in the Jet, I've learnt how to use the chain gun effectively and know how far I need to lead shot other Jets in their predicted flight path. I don't need heat-seekers to do the job for me :)

    Also, more off-topic... why is it I can never view ANY posts people link on NeoGaf? They just come up blank with basically **** all to except an empty pale blue box.

    ON-Topic: That spartan ops video shows a "Random Weapon drop" being implemented... I don't think anyone mentioned that. Once it changes to the other guy talking, with the Spartan + AR in the background. I was watching the mechanical arm in the background while he was talking crap about Spartan Ops being innovative and thinking "They better not charge extra for this stuff... it's with the game, it should be free DLC, NOT another way to milk the **** dry" and then I noticed it jumped to another part where a circle was there with a Sniper Rifle in the middle of it with an arrow pointing down to it's location.

    Now, I can't see how it came there... but that looks like how it will be before someone picks the weapon up. So it's like the Oddball concept. Whenever the weapon appears, it gets labelled like the oddball so players know which general direction to run in to pick the weapon up.
    #2139 Stevo, Apr 19, 2012
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2012
  20. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I doubt it; they're not EA. They kinda show how they really need the support from their fanbase to succeed because they're doing a pretty risky challenge: reviving a dying franchise. Everything they talk about, they try to say really cautiously, making sure that no one gets mad.

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