Halo 4: Creating Invasion

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by KingGuerilla55, Oct 19, 2012.

  1. McJames

    McJames Forerunner

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    I think extraction is an evolution of assault. But the real problem is no race.
  2. KingGuerilla55

    KingGuerilla55 Promethean

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    The real issue is going to be restricting loadouts based on conditions met.


    Alpha Base Captured = Tier 2 Loadouts are available.
    Beta Base Captured = Tier 3 Loadouts are available.
    Charlie Base Captured = Game Over.
  3. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Still, why not just add that stuff already? I mean, Insane gametypes had to be invented first in Reach. But now they're already existing, so why not add them from the beginning? Everybody likes them.
  4. mazdak26

    mazdak26 Promethean

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    well, except soccer. Sorry, sky.
  5. Thelepearchaun

    Thelepearchaun Promethean

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    I dont get the removal of some gametypes at all. I understand not having elites in MM, but why not keep invasion as an all spartan gametype(red vs blue) and change the name to Fortify or something along those lines. It was a very popular gametype with no real replacement.

    And the insane settings led to many of the custom minigames we love

    Race was a great addition to the franchise. With all the vehicles to use, why not race them. And now they take that away? Racetracks were a massive part of reachs forging community.

    I love the game from what I have seen, but what it the point of loadouts ad customization and additions to forge if there arent as many good game types to play on them. That was the best part of reach. Between a gametype and forge you could make or do nearly anything, now they seem to be reigning anything back in. Thats disappointing.

    And wheres my Halo:Forge standalone game with 8x the items and forge settings with upload and playability compatibility. Ive asked for that since I started reach. Id pay the extra $40 to get access to more forge than can fit on a disk, so long as the main Halo games can recognize and render the maps. Imagine what kind of epic forging you could do with something like that.
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    i think mostly because invasion required special maps that played absolutely horrendously with any other gametype

    i dont think race is gone
  7. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Even though I loved Invasion I will not be sad to see it gone. BTB got crapped on because of Boneyard and Spire, which in the end hurt the game for me more than the new gametype helped.

    Race is gone for the time being, though it is apparently easy to set up something akin to it with KOTH.
  8. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I heard Elliot say Race might still be in custom games though, but they simply didn't show it off. If that's true, I hope the same goes for the Insane gametype. Taking that gamemode out would be a VERY dumb move.

    If not:

    Forge is ****ed, 343 don't really seem to care about it. Insane gametype and Race, apparently they're not popular or competitive enough that it's worth putting them back. I guess they rather focus on the majority that wants cool multiplayer experiences, than to show some support to the forging community that loved making minigames, Invasion maps, BTB maps and race maps. The only thing they improved upon is Infection, but I'm already sick of the hundreds of unprofessional Dead Space maps that will be made without having played even one of them yet.
    And I still can't stand the fact that they took away the Falcon and/or Hornet. I can accept the removal of the pro-pipe. I can accept the removal of playable Elites. I can probably accept the removal of flat forge areas. I can probably even accept the disability of using water in Forge. And don't forget I loved all those things. But I cannot stand that they took away the UNSC flying vehicle, whether it would've been the Falcon (my preference) or Hornet.
    #28 REMkings, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  9. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Honestly even a lot of the most competitive invasion players, such as the people who designed the Invasion maps they added to MM, agree that Invasion had run it's course. I loved it for a long time but in all honestly it was probably a big part of the reason I stopped playing BTB Matchmaking.

    The funny thing is too that I'm a BTB forger and yet from what I have seen of forge I do not feel screwed. Yes, Forge World was big, and that was nice, but most really good BTB maps I have seen took advantage of only a small part of the terrain (or none at all) and then built from it. And I don't want a large expanse of flat ground to forge with, what could I do with that? I hated the Quarry in Reach. The areas I saw being used were parts of Alaska and Montana, parts of the island, and parts of the canyon, usually on rather bumpy terrain. When it is used right it is much more dynamic than flat ground. I am planning to use the space on the two asteroids in in Impact (yes, even with the building there) to my advantage, as well as the large expanse on Ravine that I doubt I will ever use all of at once, and even the edge of the terrain on Erosion could be built off of and used in a BTB or Squad map. Overall I am rather optimistic about the next few years of forge, not the least of which would be that I heard that (don't quote me) frame rate lag is either gone or nearly gone.

    I will miss the falcon, but I have to say that it was underutilized in BTB and wasn't a vehicle that would play very well on most maps (though it made great scenery in an infection map.) I will not miss trying to make maps elite friendly however and thankfully did not plan to put one underwater. Spartans are H20 intolerant.
  10. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    I think the terrain we used most was a patch of water outside Forge World. Water was great for including something interesting in entirely forged maps and helped hide all the random stuff on the bottom of maps. I wish they'd just given us a patch of open ocean for one of the maps.

    Edit: Just looked at the thread title.
    Invasion was so difficult to implement and so different from everything else in halo that it didn't really fit and removing it is understandable. I think it was played more often for the spawn killing potential than for serious games.
    #30 pyro, Oct 31, 2012
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2012
  11. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    This is why I hated dev invasion. It wrecked two BTB maps, too :(

    Do we have proof that invasion won't be in custom games?
  12. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm 100% it would've worked great on Dominion maps.
    And also in Infection, now that we have player trait zones, you could probably implement it - for usage. I know for one I was going to in one of my maps. I guess I'll have to cancel that map or just build it without a Falcon, making it more repetitive. Same for the water, I had some plans but it's not going to work. Haha, you know what's actually really funny? Erosion has some unique pieces that would make GREAT sewer maps, but we can't even use the water itself...
    #32 REMkings, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012
  13. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    Im so f*cking with you, the pipes for example/the dirty pallete, it just doesnt make sense to me. I think eventually they have to remove the kill barriers there, like they did with Ravine. People will get mad. They give me the intention that they are not willing to make water psychics.. Shooting bullets into the water, falling into the water.. But they have to do this, because else, it looks bad. So if they have water psychics, why would they block that area? 343 already blocked Ravine enough.
  14. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It all comes down to the fact that they're not considering Forge a "full" gamemode. I'm guessing they're like: "It's fun, and it's great the community loves it, but leave the professional map making to us."
    It doesn't make sense removing the UNSC flying vehicle, or to put down prebuilt buildings that will bother you while forging, or to make the water unusable.
    It's almost like we're going back to the old forging times where you could move crates around and stuff, but not much else. Just for fun.
    Well, I rather have usable water than "good looking" water. Same for the environments. If I want sexy looking maps, I'll play the other non-forge maps. (Which DO look extremely good, so that's definitely great.) The forge maps should be for forging.
    Overall, just wanna make clear that Halo 4 is going to be awesome, but the forging is simply not going to be improved as much as we all expected, which bothers me.
    #34 REMkings, Nov 1, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2012

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