I'm lookin for someone to run a Halo 4 Youtube channel with me. I have one started already but I'm willing to start a new one. We'll be doing commentaries, gameplay, funny clips, as well as a few other community things such as gamenights and give aways. I have the tools knowledge and some money to make a succeful channel (ie: Capture cards, use of fileshare, video editing, familiarity with youtube). I'm just looking for someone dedicated enough to run the thing with me as well as screw around alittle and just have a fun time playing halo with. Profits (after getting partnerships, and google adsense) will be split 50/50. Heres a list of things needed if your interested. Requirements: -I'm looking for someone whos laid back wanting to have a fun time with this. -With that being said you'd need to be dedicated to doing your fair share of the work with me. -You must be at least 15 and mature -You gota know what your talking about, it'd help if youve played all the Halo's. (At minimum Halo 3, and Reach) -And lastly you dont have to be the best at handling youtube or promoting videos (Although that would help) I'm truley just looking for some as passionate about halo as i am. If interested Contact me by either e-mail or XBL: Mattschnelker@comcast.net MSchnelkez 17