this is a fun thing for you to try and do but it isnt the best option, but if you pull it off you'll look like a pro, anyways if your tired of multiflag on valhalla this is how to get it done faster enjoy comment rate and subscribe
Haha i litterally **** myself when i saw this. Awesome dude. IM definately trying this in matchmaking and putting it on a montage if it works. Funny as hell. May i ask how you figured this out? good job though.
Sweet berk, I could have done this with you if my xbox didnt fkin break, everything good seems to happen when my xbox is broken ;l Neway nice find. Did u find this yourself or was it someone else in matchmaking n u like wtf, HOW HE DO THAT? ;p
That is unbelievable. But I guess you have to be pretty precise about where you put the flag on the fusion coil, huh? Do you always have to shoot the fusion coil from inside the base with a BR for it to launch forward?
Nice find man, I am definitely going to practice this and show it to my friends so that we can use it in matchmaking. BTW in the video cut out all the parts where you are going to the bases. They are boring. Just take video of the actual flag launching.
yea basically me and spazmonkey92 were just messin around and we accidentally found that the flag to be moves if **** by a fusion coil. im not sure if anybidy else has found this befor me so im not claiming it as my own. and yes its best to be in the base when you shoot it. the song is Holding on by Scary kids Scaring kids. if you have any more questions feel free to post them and also please subscribe if you want to see more from me i will be doing more glitchs some that arnt so well known and i will also be realesing some funny moments in halo 3