Yeah I've heard.Its pretty stupid if you ask me.I mean they've been building the moment up and now this?Like WTF?
Ok, I wouldn't put it past Bungie to try and trick us. Think about it. The email says 7:00 PM exactly and the timer says 12 hours left. Don't you think it's rather odd that those things happened EXACTLY on a specific time. I say at 7:00 this morning bungie will announce something on Bnet.
Damn, I was excited to... it seems wierd, but I am sure they knew that they wouldn't be able to pull this off, but weren't just going to stop it at a random time, but just waited longer. Thought it does seem weird, cause I assume since the screen is still up the site is under maintenance or what not, which means they must still have something planned?
Yeah most definately.Maybe they just did that to get our minds off of it.Who knows what Bungie has up their sleeve.All I know is that i better be something good.
Yeah, I just got home after the 10 hour flight to Dallas, and a 3 hour connecting flight to Detroit. I just got a chance to turn my computer on, and I remembered about the Countdown. Disappointment. Obvious Disappointment. This was a risky move they played. I think they were taking their chances, making a move that could go both ways (duh), Way Uno - This could've, should've, would've make people even more excited for this, and happier than ever. Sure, we'd have a laugh at how foolish we were to believe they were going to announce something already. Way Zwei - People would get frikin angry at stupid bungie, and ''accidentally'' kill that president Harold guy by accidentall ypulling the trigger on a gun. But, you get what I'm saying.
...why? WHY? It's like BF, no skill involved except in raising ranks quicker. Halo 3's could use some improvement, but geez. it's superior.
I just don't play matchmaking anymore, and im sick of the lvl 50s.. that think there all pro, i vs em 1v1 and absolutly ****ING OWN them and im only a 40.
1v1 isn't everything, maybe they got their 50, because they are a good team player.(please don't make the point that people boost, and buy accounts, and ****, I know) As for the update, that thing has all gone over, I say just wait till firday, see if they say anything. I'm wondering when the mythic map pack will come out(probably around he same time as GOW2)
hahahaha. i almost agree tho b/c altho nothing else is as good as halo the rank system acually works lol.