YouTube - CMNeir's Channel This is our youtube if you want to check out more of our videos. Here is a sample of what we have. I hope you enjoy. YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 70 *Pinball Wizard* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 25 *The Flying Dumpster* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 30 *Drivable Troop Hog* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 31 *Antigravity Vehicles* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 35 *Bungie Jump* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 38 *Riding Destroyed Vehicles* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 46 *Shooting From The Sky* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 65 *Blackout* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 74 *Power Up Trick* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 90 *Looking Back* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 100 *The 100th* YouTube- Halo 3 Tricks: Episode 107 *Elephant Cannon* This is just a very small sample of what is on our youtube. If you enjoyed these I hope you check it out and maybe even subscribe. We also do machinima. I will make another thread for those though.
I love your videos the tutorials are very explaining, you also seem to post your videos very fast. I did alot of those tricks, do you know that you can delete your weapon by standing on it, looking at the blue thing, picking it up, quick go to Moniter Mode and delete it. Oh well, still happy to see you joined.
I love halo 3 tricks especially the lower weapons on Xbox live episode. Is the trick of legend an actual trick or a plot object.
Flying dumpster is one of my favorite glitches. As soon as I saw the vid on it I had to do it myself. It's so much fun
Its kind of hard to believe its really CMNeir. But, this site does have some pretty famous people. If its really you, then why didnt you post these sooner?
fan scince day one and i was glad to help get your account back, hit me up sometime GT: xSh4rpsh00t3r94
Maybe ask a mod if they can sticky a thread that keeps up to date with your latest videos. Try PMing one of them Love ya work anyways.
I love the halo 3 tricks im always checking to see if you have anything new and ive watched all the old ones and tried many of them. I also made a map featuring the dustbin trap and the power up which is reallly funny!:lol:
I dont know how you guys keep on figuring out all these tricks and glitches, but I dont want you to stop