This thread is dedicated to you posting the link to your stats on Bungie. The person who posts after the last post must rate the person's stats above him, a 1 to 5 scale, 5 being the best, and then post their stats. I want to get a sense of how good we all are at Halo 3. Here's the link to my stats: My Stats
Are we supposed to rate social or ranked? Ranked: 4/5 Got enough good medals, and good k/d Social: 4/5 We have basically the same medals, but you haz perfection ...and a better k/d Btw, my k/ds horrible. I'm always the one to ''take one for the team''. lol
2.5/5 (for ranked) because of the negative KD and nothing special about medals either. The level is what gives you the grade I gave you. It would have been higher, but the grade 2 hurts your grade along with all of the other average stats. There isn't anything special about my medals but my level for my experience and KD should at least earn me a decent grade. Mine
Texas you get a definite 5/5 from me, because of BR kills and K/D. Skill lvl ain't that shabby either. Here are the stats for my 2nd account. My first account. (shared with my brother) Trooper88 I'd prefer it if you'd rank my 2nd account because it is based on my skill only and not my brothers. (which by the way is terrible)
E93, you can rate both ranked or social, seperately or together, or if your just doing one, make sure to mention which one your rating. Supertrooper, taking your advice and rating your 2nd account, you get a 5 for Ranked, 4.5 in Social. You have plenty to brag about in medals on Ranked, a high k/d spread, a Perfection, 1 Slice n' Dice and 1 Sharpshooter, a Rampage, and the fact that your a Major compared to the amount of exp. you have. Socialwise, while you haven't played as many games, you have two of each of Perfections and Exterminations. Also, you have a Slice n' Dice, and a high k/d spread. However, some of the lower amounts of medals such as Kill from the Grave or such medals put you down a little. Overall, a 5. You have plenty to brag about as I have said earlier. Now, you just need a Killionare or an Invincible medal. Here's the link to my stats: My Stats
Thanks bro those are some impressive stats on your second account. We need to get this team thing together. I will PM you. Spartan really impressive Social stats 4.5, and your ranked arent bad 3. The only reason I gave it so low is because of the main weapon and your skill level. How are you that low? You just play customs and social or what? The funny thing about my social stats is they are a ton worse because I don't try and grifball. I haven't played any social outside of grifball and SWAT. Since I have a good BR, I am pretty good at SWAT but not anywhere near my TS or MLG skill. And, I am horrible at grifball for some reason. I always lose the Hammer clashed, but the one thing I can do is plant the bomb. I had an old account that I shared with a brother that I racked in 10 perfections, 5 rampages, and 2 invincibles in ranked. I also got about 5 killtacks and a couple killtrocities. I stopped playing on that one, so we could both have our own account. I also couldn't get to 50 because he isn't very good, so his KD and Win Loss ratio sucked.
I give you a 4 for ranked becasue it is average but u got perfection so its all good and another 4 for 3 exterminations BiznisHippie: ALL multi kills after killtrocity is from grifball 2 exterminations from it too xcaprx PLAUGE:
^^^^ Solid stats 4/5 My ranked stats are so low because nearly all of them are from TS back in december when I wasn't too hot at the game but made it to lvl. 40 for some reason, then I switched to social and became much much better.
Since he didn't post to them, I'll just post mine. Fastforward I
4/5 for perfection, running riot, and lots of BR kills, but your K/D is a little low. I know my stats a terrible but just for kicks: and my stats for my best map(Narrows):
I will give you a 3/5 because you are a little above average in every aspect of your stats. Here are three other accounts for kicks. I have had quite a few gamertags. I first clocked in about 200 games on one, QuackAttack4, which I shared with my brother, so the stats are weak. I then got my own GT, TheLastMohican512. And, I have created one free monthly, Orangebull512, and a 3 month one, VanillaBear512. In total, I have probably played about 1500 games throughout the GT's since release. Orangebull512 VanillaBear151 QuackAttack4 The one I already posted: TheLastMohican7
I'm only going to rate the one that I think is the best out of the three you listed. I think you deserve another 5/5 for orangebull512. Great skill lvl for the number of games you played, good K/D, and a perfection always adds a nice touch to the medal chest. One thing I noticed about all of your accounts was that the top two tools of destruction were BR, and then sniper. I think that's awesome, screw the AR, I really hate that gun. Spartan_R14: Killionaire you say? Well here it is: (Even if it is Grifball lol) I think you can relate to getting medals in Grifball. (Your social stats)
3/5 for both. Koodos for not having negative K/D. JDx (I've had 2 extermintations in ranked, they just havent shown up yet)
I now realize how bad of a halo player I am, or at least, how good you are. 5/5 Great ranked medals, and almost every medal in social :OOOOOOOOO omg, nice btw, i am not usually a purple elite, i just changed it for living dead, and forgot to put the right one back yet.