Well if you've seen the teaser/trailer, there in a large snow area with scorpions and such, and now Bungie coming out witha huge map with snow scorpions and such? Suspicious, you be the judge.... (Here is the trailer for reference) [youtube]http://youtube.com/watch?v=1RK6WFIUDbg[/youtube] Update(Just scroll all the way down to see what I am talking about): http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=13368
Oh wow, your right! On the update they said "Vehicles, odd facts, and new playlists. Is there a map reveal? Only for detectives." I do believe you are the detective. Congratzz.
That video is of the planet "Harvest" which was glassed by the covenant before Reach. Therefore, it is most likely on the Ark, on Earth, or on an unknown planet, like snowbound.
then thats just u Well, people can always just make the map, and say something about it and then when the new game comes, u just change a lil part of it and say "What? its a new map"
Its pure coincidence, that trailer is probably older than the idea for this map, atleast older than the idea for snow camo. They are 2 seperate games, and although they work in rather close partnership, they are still 2 seperate companies. They dont copy of each other.
How do you know that Bungie didn't see their map and go 'Oh, how cool.' and since Halo is their IP, they're allowed to use it.