Halo 3: Recon

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TDH, Oct 9, 2008.

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  1. TDH

    TDH Ancient
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    The facts:
    So a stealth based Halo game, sounds fookin' cool to me. And it looks like the Superintendent will be a sort of guardian for the ODST guy.

    Also in that article it implies that the game will use only the existing Forge, shame... would have been cool to have an expanded version.

    I didn't see a thread for discussing the game as a whole so I made one, sorry if there already is one.
    Shatakai likes this.
  2. EZappa

    EZappa Ancient
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    Yeah, I think that the Superintendent will be to H3Recon what Cortana was to H3- except, hopefully, he won't pop up in the middle of the screen while you're trying to play. If you'll notice, the lights shut off when the brutes walk by the ODST and then turn back on when they leave. Superintendent?

    Also, look at the gun he's holding. It kind of looks like a big SMG with a red light at the end. New weapons anyone? =D Either way, I'm sure this is gonna be a blast.
  3. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    It's the Battle Rifle. It just seems weird because we never see the long scope.

    Now, so far, I don't see why everyone is getting hyped up for. It's just CGI.
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  4. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Already saw it, didnt post it for the fear of others already posting it, and think about it:
    searching for halo 3 recon isnt that good of an idea :D

    Nice video, can't wait for it, amazing looks, and crazy build-up is excellent.
    Bungie, congratulations, your build-up makes me want to keep playing halo for years to come!
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Yeah theres already a thread, but all that I knew you said =].

    The SI is basically leading the ODST guy soemwhere,maybe to the SI himself,to maybe fix him because hes malfunctioning.

    But now its confirmed its an expansion, not a new game which is good news.

    But wonder how many microsoft points this is gunna be....
  6. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    Did you even read the OP?

    It says
    meaning you go out and buy it.
  7. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I don't think that was the standard Br...it might be the one mentioned in Ghosts of Onyx book where the muzzle is shortened. Or it could be a silencer attached to another weapon....the game is supposed to be more stealthy.
  8. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Wow sorry calm down.I didn't read most of it because I thought I knew it.
  9. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    I don't think so.

    If I take CGI and darkness into account, it looks like a standard BR with maybe a longer barrel.

    To me, it wouldn't make sense that an ODST is dropped down with a silencer attached to his BR. Though, I guess you could argue that he was dropped down further and is supposed to be recon for the larger squad that got killed.

    @Playahata. Wasn't being angry. Just asking wether you read the post.
  10. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    fall 2009?
    halo 3:recon?
    my hopes arent up
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I hope they really get the scale of the enemies correctly. Humans are tiny compared to brutes....I want to be terrified of them if I encounter any.

    I hope they make ODSTs slower and unable to jump as high as the MC. I need to believe I'm an ODST and not just the MC in a different suit.
  12. Telrad

    Telrad Ancient
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    TBH, that's the least of my worries.

    What I hope they get right is the stealth gameplay. It is rather hard to get that kind of gameplay just right. I really don't think that Bungie can get the stealth gameplay right.

    The only time they have done stealth, as far as I know, is in Halo 1 and 2. And in those cases, if one enemy sees you, instantly everyone knows where you are. Not to mention they're not even looking for you in the first place.

    EDIT: I looked at the weapon again except in not so teeny weeny vision and not crappy Youtube quality. The gun he holds looks like a P90... With an extended barral. Could be a silencer or could be UNSC tech.

    EDIT 2: To clarify, a P90 fused with the standard UNSC paint job and some red lights added.
    #12 Telrad, Oct 9, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2008
  13. TDH

    TDH Ancient
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    According to thesilencebroken, its an SMG with a scope... which it does look like, if you think about it.

    I'm looking forward to a stealth based game, I prefer games where you care more about whether you die or not and when you can be verrr sneaky. Hopefully you die in a realistic amount of shots opposed to the large amount you can take in Halo 3.
  14. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    This sends a nourishing warmth to my heart. I'm glad they decided to continue with Halo in some way.
  15. spartin2000

    spartin2000 Ancient
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    well bungie did it again when it comes out i hope i can actually get unlike other times when i go to best buy or target my main places to go to theres only 1 left and as soon as i get to it some *** takes out of my hands.
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