Hey guys, ive finally finished photoshopping my Space Snowbound screenshot to base it on the exciting theme of the next expansion, Halo 3: Recon. Im really pleased with the finished piece. I designed it to be like a promotional poster or desktop screensaver. Do you think the guys at bungie would take a moment to take a look? im thinking of posting it to the halo 3 forums. Here it is: (Old version) This is the final version:
If you were gunna not have the green text, you should more the halo 3 Recon logo over to the left side, otherwise its a bit blank. Speaking of the logo, where did you get it from? It looks really high quality.
Personally I like the edited one but but i think the logo should be bottom left and you should have the prepare to drop still.
It was taken from a video still of the teaser, which was then painfully extracted using the lasso tool. I saved it as a higher quality jpeg file too keep a better definition. Thanks for the feedback. I'll move the logo and include the prepare to drop text. *goes back on photoshop* Ok, heres the third and final version. I really like the one.
DUDE THAT is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo EPIC i wish u all the luck i can give but man would this be a good as game cover
Get rid of the Shiny thing behind the ODST, Give the ODST more opacity, make the outer glow around the text BLACK, not yellow. THEN i will be VERY impressed with it.
Very nice, personally, I would have kept the Reinitializing and Metropolitan Disaster from the original but it is still awesome. Also, can you get a 1920x1200 version?
Great! This is awesome and epic. Oh, and by the way. Why don't you post the finished one at the beginning of the thread?