I have had this idea in my head for awhile now and thought i would bring it up. sure I haven't been on in awhile, but just hear me out. This league would start sometime in June and would feature maps done by people on the hub. Would be on all maps, cept Cold Storage. I would have 6 people race heat races at a time, and depending on how many show up, determine how many people advance to the main event. points would work as follows: Advancing to the Main Event - 10 points Winning Main Event - 20 points Here are list of rules: Honor rules apply. Will use a modifed racetracks game type to allow penalty rooms to be used (if needed). If there are shortcuts that are clearly marked, you can use them. No shooting guns of any kind. If there is interest I'll go on making up a schedule of tracks and sign-up forms.
if ya'll are waiting for a map list here you go: Urban Motocross - Goldman010 Whiplash - JBARRON402 ATV Offroad - sk8volcom12 Cliffhanger - Ic3Man314 Cryptcross - xiTz Legit o Silhouette - Rouge Shaddo Final Effort - killer2000 Unholy Speed - Vorpal Saint (Rocket Race) Triton's Twist - HT konakid904 Mighty 180 - T3H Sniper King Cherry Kiss - Rouge Shaddo Back Burner - Rouge Shaddo note: some aren't on forge hub, but message me at RnR Train over xbox live to try them out.
You didn't have to double post. Just click the edit button. Also, how will people know who won? You should also add a requirements section, such as mic, Mythic map pack, etc. and also bold or make rules/regulations stick out more to get people's attention.
I didn't double post, or what do you mean by double post? anyways if your saying I can't have post back to back like that then i'll edit this one with the rules and stuff. Rules and Regulations 1. Follow Honor Rules 2. No Weapon Usage 3. Don't need a mic, but recomended 4. Need Heroic, Lengendary, and Mythic maps Points System Winning a Heat Race - 10 Points Winning the Main Event - 20 Points Placing 2nd in the Main Event - 15 Points Placing 3rd in the Main Event - 10 Points Finishing less then 3rd in the Main Event - 5 Points
This is a great Idea! This is a great idea, but I would like to expand on your Racing League Idea. I would actually like to get this going. I would like to make a few changes to get more people interested in the Idea. Maybe in the Racing League we would have regular weekly races and at the end of each month we would hold a tournament. The tourney would be like you posted. The regular races would have to have a link posted on the forum to be verified, but after verifacation we would post the results and update the standings. For the end of the month tourney we would take the top 20 percent of the racers on the standings and have a tourney to see who is the best for the month. Then we could do a feature on the racer on the forum and make him so called racer of the month. Get back to me on the Idea.
Although i love racing, forgehub is primarily a forging site. I would suggest you run this by the staff and if they like it, your idea could totally take off.
Racing League I think that you have to forge to make the tracks, and if I am not positive the TG has a section built in for custom games if I am not correct. We are starting a group at first and we are talking to the staff already. We are tring to get this started to have some fun while not forging or playing. If you want to check us out our public group is here: FHTG Racing League
What does the TG stand for? I'm glad you made a racing league group. Some of the other Journalists mentioned that you wanted to do some sort of racing league and I suggested making a group. Good call!
TG TG stands for Testers Guild Since we were members and were probably going to start posting the Race Events in the Customs Lobby in the Guild to start off. Hoping to eventually get a Small Forum.
What type of race? E.g. a standard 'RACETRACKS' race, a race based on 2 people per team, one V.I.P. with a gravity hammer (No damage, just knock people away/off), theres 'SKYRACETRACKS' (In banshees), etc.
Racing League This is mainly going to start as Racetracks and will throw a few events of Battletracks in when ever. The group is open to the public Check it out just started just click on my sig and it takes you there. Watch the post discussions you can only have 1000 letters before it cuts you off. Started the group yesterday Just wanting to get this rolling by the middle of June. Will have first event starting this weekend if we get enough people in by then.
TG stands for Testers Guild lol since it was started by the some of the testers guild members, i guess we saw it fitting to include the guild in it.
You should make the maps linked so when you do have a event everyone can download the map to get a feel for it before competition and this sounds like a fun idea to do. I don't think there needs to be any prizes or anything.
THis sounds like a really good way to get people more involved with racing maps. But dude whats up with the honor rules. You can just make it so that everyone is invunerable and do 0% damage and the map should be set up with a vip game or something so you can scorepoints which i assume you chose those kind maps, but you can never be to sure. Also you wont need to use a modded map or whatever if you just use maps that are cheat prooof. but oh well. good luck
wow, I thought of an idea similar to this a while ago. My only concern is if the members have to be members of the TG in order to test the maps... If so i'm very sadface... I think since it's not a part of TG yet, then it is not needed, but i could be wrong. I want to help test tracks, but if I have to be a TG member, i may just forget it because I don't have time for 3 maps a week. Maybe 1 or 2. I hope you guys do that, if so i'll be happyface. lol
No TG membership is needed to join. Yeah there is no Testers Guild Membership needed to join. It is starting as a social group right now and hoping to become a lot more in the future.