Ok so I found out online that I can go to GameStop and get halo 3 pre-owned for just ten dollars. I have played halo 3 in its prime so I know it was a fun game,however I do not know if that has changed.naturally after the release of reach most players flocked to the newer game leaving halo 3 matchmaking deserted. I want to know is it worth it? Will matchmaking be so deserted I won't even be able to get in any good matches? Also I know about campaign. But one more thing What maps come with just halo 3 No DLC. A list would be nice. I also heard that they made the DLC free now? Idk but if they did just tell me and disregard the above question. Anyways.should I spend ten dollars on it?
Yeah, I would, and I did. The game is still being played with around 20,000 people per day. The game still hasn't lost all of it's great game play, though a lot of the game types have been deleted there is still fun and it is continuous. I played it for a few hours the other day and had more fun then anything I've played in Reach. To answer your question about the original maps here they are. 1. Construct 2. Epitaph 3. Gaurdian 4. High Ground 5. Narrows 6. Isolation 7. Last Resort 8. Sand Trap 9. Snowbound 10. The Pit 11. Valhalla Hope that was of some help for you.
Yes.thank you those are all of the best maps! Now I heard that you need all DLC to play most playlists.should I just get ODST?
I know at least the first map pack is free. Which includes foundry, standoff, and one other that escapes me
And sandbox.i think I am just going to buy ODST so I don't have to buy all DLC so it will be cheaper.
The third map in that first pack was rats nest. But yeah, I say go ahead and get odst if you're getting H3. Halo 3's DLC were some of the best ever Halo maps, in my opinion at least. Plus it prolly shouldn't be too expensive considering H3 was 10 bucks.
I've been playing a lot of H3 lately. On weekdays you get like 8,000 online, but about half of those are playing customs.. So like 4,000 on an average weekday. Weekends/evenings (US timezones) tend to be more packed with like 20,000. I only play Social Slayer as it has the biggest population. You can do BTB and others but it'll take longer to find a match. Overall, it's a lot of fun, go for it. I'll probly switch to Reach in the next week or so as playing Social Slayer over and over again isn't spectacular..
Unless you want the Halo 3 campaign, get Halo 3 ODST. I would suggest the ODST one though because you get all the online play which has much more online capabilities.