it drives me nuts and scares me half to death, because sometimes I come on and im a rank lower and I see it and im like wtf and i go to matchmaking lobby and lone wolfs (highest skill on it) and i wait like a min than suddenly my rank goes up, not a promotion it just blinks, its happened twice and i keep on thinking iv got depromoted for some unknown reason, this happened to anny1 else
rank changing (up or down) always takes a while. It will register at the bungie servers before you see it, however. It's a good a idea to wait a little in between ranked games anyway
I think he's saying that his rank is changing randomly not after being promoted. Apart from that I have no idea what's happening.
Hmm... This could also be a problem registerring your Xbox as you log in, always go to forge, and wait for the new maps to load (if you have them) and when that happens and you can load up avalanche etc without it saying you dont have all maps, then you are set and you are registered into Xbox Live
Yea this happens to me a lot too. I'm almost positive the reason is you just hit that rank, or at least that would make sense on my account.
i had been a commander grade 2 for like 4 months and when i was playing the other day it brought up the box and repromted me to grade 2 and i was just like uhmm ok and i think that is what he is saying here
this happens to me almost everytime i play. I lose my service record for a few secs then i get promoted to general grade 2 again and again... it never stops.