- Halo 3: PORN This is just a little stupid funny short. It is really just recommended that people who enjoy stupid funny will probably like this. Doesnt contain any real porn. Enjoy.
OK ok it was alright not that funny....night video taking but not that funny to me just stupid no offense
That was stupid. The accent was horrable and nothing was really funny. The best part was probably the beginning. Could have been alot funnier IMO. sux/10
God I'm immature. I didn't find it funny until the end where he said you can enjoy porn on the move: "Da-ad! We're gonna be late for the soccer game!" "Quiet, Daddy's trying to JACK OFF!" So I'm pretty immature finding that funny. The machinima probably didn't take long to make, and is kinda immature, but I guess childish adolescents such as me find this funny.