Halo 3:ODST vs MW2

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MGT23, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Here is my opinion:

    Halo 3: ODST:

    `Probably a more interesting storyline for campaign. Looks much more intense and the open world enviroment seems like it will be fun to explore. Seems like a brand new game and something that no one has ever seen before.
    `Firefight is a great addition, but much like GOW2 horde- it will get very boring.
    `Multiplayer is pretty much just 1 new map pack for Halo 3, Im fine with that though.
    `The Reach Beta sounds awesome and I cant wait.

    COD MW2:

    `Probably will be a less interesting storyline- when you think about it, it cannot be too different from MW1, a scenery change doesnt change the story- you are still just hunting down terrorists and most likely doing the same thing as MW1, just in a different place.
    `Multiplayer will be fun and exiting- but in my opinion, its annoying after a while because its TOO realistic- 1-3 shot kills by any gun is stupid because players are handed tons of ammo and tactical gameplay can be taken out of the game and a player can win(spray and pray works)... And the multiplayer for COD MW2 looks like just a map pack to MW1, but with new guns and perks added and a few tiny additions such as vehicles.... It seems like the multiplayer from COD5, but remade as a modern warefare game....
    `Also- they will do what they do every time: They will make another COD game after 1 year, thats kinda stupid because now we know that they wont add onto MW2 except for 1 map pack... ODST+Reach will most likely last as long as MW2 does....
    #21 Loscocco, Aug 2, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2009
  2. doubledeus

    doubledeus Ancient
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    Can't I just like both and be excited for both of them?

    Why is there a need to make them compete? COD4 and Halo are similar games in the fact they are both shooters but that's about it. They very different games that are creating a completely different experience for the player. It's like a hot Blonde cheerleader and a hot brunette kindergarten teach. Both can be fun as all hell to date, but for different reasons.

    ODST is pretty much a love letter from Bungie to the fans. It's also a nice placeholder to keep Halo fans happy until Reach comes out. It's not going to be a blow your doors off experience. Bungie is pretty much admitting that. This is like a director's cut of a movie we all know and love. Like Francis Ford Coppola re-editing the Godfather 1 & 2 into one movie with new scenes thrown in. It's not designed to gain new fans, it's a reward to fans they already have.

    MW2 will no doubt be a superior game. It's supposed to be. If its not then Infinity Ward should be ashamed of themselves.
  3. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    I doubt ODST is going to be much better than Halo 3, which I hated.
  4. Chronic Fate

    Chronic Fate Ancient
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    Modern Warfare 2 looks amazing.

    Halo 3: ODST looks horrid. Plus I have gotten sick of Halo.

    So it looks like the obvious victor is Modern Warfare 2 for me.
  5. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    I prefer ODST due to it's storyline, also because it's more stealth based, thirdly because it's actually quite realistic in terms of fiction, considering the detail Bungie put in and things that are realistic such as the energy bridges using Solid Light, Humanity not being one of the more advanced races, humanity's use of projectiles, plasma, anti-matter charges, etc.

    All of the Call of Duty franchise tend to be the same.
    In all of Call of Duty, Assault weapons always dominate due to there rate of fire and relatively range, there are the same types of weapons, same perks, same types of explosives (contact explosives, (like trip mines in halo 3), remotely detonated explosives, rocket-propelled weaponry) etc.
    In Call of Duty, the closest thing to stealth are sniper rifles, stealth suits and skins are noticed no matter what.
  6. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    Price-wise, Modern Warfare 2 is worth $60 because it is a full sequel. Halo 3: ODST is just some game they are trying to pass as full for $60 when it is only an expansion to Halo 3. Not buying it as it is a waste of my money. I pre-ordered Modern Warfare 2 :).
  7. Nightfire

    Nightfire Ancient
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    Lets all just wait for the two games to come and then have opinions. Because basically right now we're just making assumptions. Unless you've played both games already, then people don't so easily start throwing assumptions of the game's gameplay and etc.

    I've pre-ordered both because I've enjoyed the past Halo's and the past CoD's.
  8. JMJ405

    JMJ405 Ancient
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    @ FakeAgntar: You hated Halo 3 sooo much that you joined the Forgehub community?
  9. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    I'm not really a hardcore CoD player so I wont be buying ModernWarfare 2 right away, and for that reason I like Halo 3:ODST more. As mentioned earlier, you really can't compare the two, it's just which one you like more. I'll be getting ODST the day it comes out.

    Halo Campaign Expansion = $30
    Firefight Game Mode = $10
    Halo 3 Multiplayer Mythic Map Pack II = $10
    Halo: Reach Beta Access = $10
    Total = $60

    How do you figure?
    #29 Mongoose, Aug 3, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2009
  10. Kryticate

    Kryticate Ancient
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    All of those are just expansions packed into something they tried to pass off as a game.
  11. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Both are kickass, but I'm going to have to say CodMod2 is going to suck much more time than ODST will. Unless you count Halo 3's multiplayer being in ODST, then it might be even. But you can't ask people to choose between Halo and Call of Duty. It's one of those things where you hate one and love the other, or you're like me and you love to enjoy all types of games which bring you joy.

    Except for Gears. Gears sucks.


    Sorry if there was small flaming there, I mean no harm. Except for flaming Treyarch I mean that a lot.
    #31 zeppelinboy777, Aug 4, 2009
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  12. MGT23

    MGT23 Ancient
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    The storyline for odst is way better then CoD MW2. CoD MW2's story is just like the original MW but different place so it isnt like a total sequel because your still just hunting down terroists
  13. TheFakeAngatar

    TheFakeAngatar Ancient
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    And in ODST all you're doing is killing Covenant. That's been done for 4 previous Halo games. Only one Call of Duty game featured terrorists.

    Point for Modern Warfare 2.
  14. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Modern Warfare 1's campaign kicked the Halo 3 campaign's ass. It was just so much more intense. The only thing Halo 3 won in the campaign department was length. MW1 was too short.

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