There is supposed to be a live demo (or trailer) of ODST at E3 this Wednesday. Gamespot will be showing it at 4:00 P.M. PST on their live stream of E3. G4 will also be showing something, but the time and date is TBA. I am excited to see what's in store. What about you guys? P.S. Tricia Helfer of Battlestar Galactica will play the voice of "Dare" in Halo 3: ODST. All other information is TBA.
Sweet. Good find, I'm sure going to watch this. ODST sounds exciting. If its not good I'l just get the maps :/
I'm guessing she is Caprica Six, or whatever. Am I right? Also...why can't we just watch it on youtube? Why does it have to be shown live?
Although I'd love to watch it live, I'm most likely going to forget and watch it on YouTube a couple hours after. Sounds like it will be pretty cool though! Hrrmmm... I might be playing the 1v100 beta then though...
Anyone else really excited for this? 45 minutes. Right now I'm watching and hoping I see Shanon ;D Edit: Crap, it was yesterday. I already saw that, thought there was more footage today D: