There are no records that anybody ever believed the world was flat. They always thought it was spherical.
"...The Bible is, from Genesis to Revelation, a flat-earth book. ...While the Bible nowhere states categorically that the earth is flat, numerous Old Testament verses clearly show that the ancient Hebrews were flat-earthers." Not only did the early Hebrews, but the early Greek and Chinese civilizations held fast to the idea of a flat earth until relatively recently, within the last thousand years.
Recently as in the lifetime of the human race. Besides, the point of the post was to prove you wrong. No disrespect.
Actually i was focusing on the misconception that originated around 14th and early 15th century. And the bible is a book of lies.
That website is one of the biggest ****-ups i have ever seen. Almost every sentance contains incorrect science. It defies Newtons laws of motion as well as many other basic concepts.
Ok, but still there's proof that people HAD in fact at one time believed the earth was flat, which undermines your post, which was an attempt to undermine Ivory's post, which was more or less an insult to the poster of a dumb comment. To the OP: Nah, I wouldn't.