I remember the guy who had an illegitimate copy of Halo 2 and actually went into matchmaking before the game was released. The Bungie testers who were online actually let him play a game before they banned him until the year 2999.
I would just play the campaign offline, and see if they added any new features to the forge mode... Attempting to play Firefight wouldn't work, because most likely you would get paired up against Bungie employess... That would be very bad. Off topic though... Is Firefight working like Matchmaking? Or will we have to find people on our own like campaign?
I lol'd. I can just imagine the reaction. 7 Bungie members turn the corner to see xBloodwolf117xX, and they all stop in their tracks and just stare at them, and then simultaneously raise their guns. A total WTf moment.
Dude, read up on the game a little more. You don't seach for firefight games, it works like custom games would. And odst doesn't have a forge mode of it's own, but it is on the halo 3 disk that comes with it.
I would play it offline just to beat the story mode and entertain myself in firefight. Then when it came out i'd play it to get the achievements.
block my achievments, play offline, make new profile, also FireFight does have matchmaking, ah if only there was a history of parties you have been in, once i was in a party with 2 guys who had an illegitamate version in english, i asked how someone could get there hands on such, the simply said, a best buy employee jacks it, ill look for it, is said Orange in HD Halo 3 --- Halo 3: ODST
When will people start learning to read bungie.net updates? When you get ODST and open the case there will be two disks. Disk One has Halo 3: ODST Campaign, Firefight, and Theater. Disk Two is EXACTLY Halo 3 but with all the maps in it. Halo 3 Campaign, Matchmaking, Customs, Forge, Theater.
I would wait... Its 9 days away, if you are impatient, you will be banned and will not play again... Its like delaying the release of the game...
Dude... That's ****ed up. **** zombies had a search mode... Horde mode had a search mode. I'm sad now... Why the hell did Bungie ruin Firefight with one swift brutal attack like that? Are you sure Firefight won't have a search mode? Because I'm pretty sure they haven't said anything about that yet... But seriously... If Firefight doesn't have a search option I'm going to be pretty ****ing depressed... I have been reading Bungie.net updates. And I did not say anything about Forge being on Disk One with Firefight. This thread is titled "Halo 3 ODST Early", correct? Well if I got Halo 3 ODST Early, you would assume it comes with both Disk One, and Disk Two. Correct? If Bungie's taking the time to remove Campaign from Disk Two, why don't you think they could make new additions to Forge Mode? They wouldn't be handing us a disk that we've already got, add three maps to it, and say "Here you go!" You've been reading the Bungie.net Weekly Updates right? They've been saying over and over again that Halo 3 ODST is big on features. Firefight and campaign is not big... That's DLC. Bungie's doing more than that... I just know it.
Sorry to disappoint you... but... 1. There is no search feature. Its for you and your friends, much like custom games. 2. The only difference between disc two and halo 3 is the campaign being removed and all the map dlc being added. Why would they do this? Because not everyone has Live. They released a Map Pack Disc for halo 2 as well.
I wouldn't really see the point in getting the game early illegally. I mean, you've waited for nearly a year for this game, couldn't you handle another few days?
You've provided no evidence of there being a search function for Firefight. I'm sure Bungie have mentioned it in the past in one of there updates that Firefight would have a search function. It's only for custom games, no matchmaking.
Bad source. I have the map pack disc and it came with a whole load of exclusive items, including map guides and unrevealed interview videos as well as a pretty awesome flashback clip of the other group of ODST's who crashland at the start of Old Mombassa. If they had the time to make this back then, by this account we should be expecting them to do something more this time around. But i don't believe that. I don't think the second disc has anything special on it.