Halo 3: ODST Sells 2.2 Million Copies in Week One We reported last week that Halo 3: ODST had sold around 2 million copies in the first 24 hours according to early data. Well now the final data is in and the original figure of 2 million was a little high - day 1 sales were in fact closer to 1.8 million copies but during the rest of the week, ODST managed to sell a futher 400,000 copies to take the total sold as of the 26th to just over 2.2 million units worldwide. Highlights include over 1.7 million in the Americas, 230,000 in the UK, around 50,000 in France and over 20,000 in Japan. Comparing directly to "week one" sales for other Xbox360 games, ODST finds itself in third place: It must be noted however, that Gears of War 2 released on a Friday compared to the Tuesday release of ODST so the "week one" totals for the games listed above include two days of sales for Gears 2 and five days for ODST. Comparing over the same timeframes, Gears of War 2 is actually just ahead of ODST at both two days and five days, therefore ODST really sits in fourth place behind Halo 3, GTA IV and Gears of War 2. We expect a huge drop next week (just as with Halo 3) but expect ODST to continue to do around 55-60% of Halo 3 sales at the same point from launch - so a good indicator for holiday sales will be to look at what Halo 3 did in 2007 and take off 45%. Based on this, ODST looks good for around 6 million in total sales - although the release of Halo: Reach next year will likely eat into any long-term sales potential that ODST may have. -------------------------------------------- Discuss. It can be said that VGChartz is not the most reliable source for this kind of information, but the difference between 4th and 5th place is large enough that I'm willing to trust it.
That is pretty neat. I'm glad to see both Halo's at the top, makes all the COD fan boys shut they're trap seeing Fable beat 'em.
Halo 3 is going to be the top one for a very long time. If only Halo 3: ODST would be in second, then maybe Halo:Reach would make it in 3rd. That would be epic.
eh i guess its tough to judge. at least second though. if i had to guess id say it might not get the first week, but total it could surpass halo.
I doubt that. It will pass total combined on all consoles, but not just on 360. Halo 3 has had two years to get over 10,000,000. In 2 years Microsoft will have probably announced their next console, and Halo 3 sales will be somewhere around 13,000,000 I bet.
I would say that it will probably will beat Halo 3. If it has forge it will. If they don't include forge, I probably won't even buy it.
Why not buy it, yes you are a map maker, as I can tell, but the game will still be good without forge like ODST. It did get boring after some time but will probably have matchmaking and a new strange story mode.
MW2 is already at the top. It is the best selling game of 2009 and it hasn't been released yet. I personally like CoD better, and Halo is okay, but whatever. It's all good. And ODST is an expansion pack, therefore it CAN'T be on that list. Sheesh
Thank God, all those whiny guys who know Halo is the world's #1 Game, and their excuse is "It's for little kids." Guess that's why the Wii sells so well... Wow, apparently if a game doesn't have Forge it's deemed unplayable. Halo 3 had Forge because it was just Team VS Team or FFA, so instead of playing the same maps over and over, you got to make your own. ODST didn't have it because you could make a map where Brute Chieftans spawned in a hole, and you had a Rocket Launcher at the top! 200K Achievements anyone? Reach is probably a squad-based game, which will probably have a competitive multiplayer, like Halo. We may see Forge, but highly unlikely.