Ok so today when i woke up i looked on my friends list on the dashboard and saw that my friend was in a party with a guy who had ODST armor and the prop was a monitor that flew around him i didnt capture it but i did manage to find a picture on google of it but it dosent have the monitor. Does any body know how to get it http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/kotaku/2009/06/odst_avatar.jpg here is also a guy who has it that i found in a bungie forumn http://avatar.xboxlive.com/avatar/phynixblack/avatar-body.png here is his profile http://live.xbox.com/en-US/profile/profile.aspx?pp=0&GamerTag=Phynixblack Notice it says he has played halo waypoint from what the formn say you need to be a part of the preview programn and the forumn also says it will be available nov 5 but idk BIG EDIT jsut found this http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid= 23588 scroll down until you see the avatars
Yeah. For anyone in the US, UK, Singapore, and a few other places... (Not canada, ****ing microsoft) If you're in the preview program, which I am, you should be able to get halo waypoint. Once you have it, you'll unlock avatar clothing for getting certain achievements in Halo 3:ODST. I'm gonna have to wait until the rest of the general public for these priviledges because canada's not special enough to get waypoint before you.
Oh shiz, I think I've already got ALL of the achievements to get all the items :O And this was, like before I even knew about Waypoint, let alone Avatar Awards for it.