this was a map video i did. I just wanted to see what you thought tell me if there are any improvements i could do to make the video better. yea and if you like the map and wish to download it it is in my signature, but this is mainly about how my video is so please comment. please subscribe comment and rate for much more to come
Just a few recommendations to get you started: 1. Disable notifications when recording footage for the video, so you don't get messages popping up. 2. Try to keep the video length within 5 minutes. 3. Attempt to pace the video so that the intoduction is a slight tease, and the ending is climactic, insofar as you are able to convey those atmosphere's in a primarily gameplay video. 4. Keep your text and graphics high quality.
Great tips from Shock. This video seems a little made up on the spot. The randow switching of player views in the third person tends to be a little unappealing. Try and take different angles as individual clips, and then edit them to make them flow. This would generally eliminate some of those rough turns in theater mode. Great start!
What I like to do when filming a map vid is to have waaay too many people ont he map playing the map at the same time (i.e. 6v6 when the map is only 4v4). When there are multiple fire-fights going on, pause the footage and get some intro, and as sock calls them, "Tease" shots. Then (not while filming!), unpause the footage and then film the rest of the map. Avoid going into enclosed places like the tunnels on your map, and keep the video shorter. As DigitalPh33r said: "A game video needs to have great angles, and not consist of long, drawn out shots that make it obvious that you're just clumsily flying the camera around in theatre mode like a ****ing idiot" Hope I helped.