To all people wanting to voice. You need a computer mic, or Rock Band mic. And you need to know how to send your voice files. To all who have recieved my message of approval, you will be messaged a script. If you want a specific part, just ask. I already a Machinima Crew, so if you want to be in that, just ask.
And what, per say, does my message mean. I'm trying to help you make the best possible machinima, but all I get back is "**** you." Thanks.
Geez Well, I'm trying to take your advice and now I've come up with something better. Like I won't do the no weapons glitch and instead make the machinima about XBOXLive like Pre-Game Lobby or Matchmaking.
I would suggest not doing like what either do, but sort of very roughly base it. Like, don't steal the achievements thing from PGL, or else you will get negative reviews and fewer will eatch your videos. Come up with your own thing. Get the plot outline, rough draft, and good draft of the machinima before you start production. This is the hardest part of most machinimas, and if you follow the script there will be less screw ups, and more of a well acted machinima. I would also suggest not having more than 8 players in one party for machinima. The smaller the party, the easier it is for the shot to go through as planned. If you need anymore help, I will surely help you. Just send me a message