I have recently experienced a bad lag in Halo 3's matchmaking. It's not me because there is no lag for any other games, just Halo 3. This is driving me crazy. I just wanted to see how bad it was for everyone else
i swear it used to be in the 90 percentile, because my internet was really crappy till one day i discovered, sorta, that it was probably my cable cord not the internet service. so i hooked it up to a different cable cord, and now its like perfect basically. so now its only 40%-60% but thats cause of other people lol
i always have about half my games r laggy, but it happens to me in gh3 too. the games i play r laggy there is some one whos voice is lagging and their connection screws with everyones. then i cant under stand anyone because their voice is laggy. then we get back to the lobby and i can understand everyone. i really hate it in gh3 cause its much harder to hit notes.
Well, one of the ways you could try to improve the lag issue (in Halo 3 at least) is to make sure to set the matchmaking priority to "prefer best connection." By doing this, I have experienced far less laggy matchmaking games. You still get the occasional person who lags though...
Amen. I hardly ever see lag on Halo 3. Halo PC though lag was very common. I have a wireless connection for my computer too so I used to 'warp' all the time.
yeah i sometimes get insane lag then sometimes its not laggy at all its weird but i think it happens to every body sometime
Ranked: usually 0-20% Social: 100% I swear I've never played a social match without lag, I'm not even kidding, it's like Bungie chooses the host to be the one person on Halo with Dial-up. Or that they choose one person with dial-up to host all social games...
I often find people "teleport" in matches... but there was one game I played with MAJOR lag... I was in the very open with no-one near me and I just died...
Not much for me, but obviously it depends what playlist you play in. BTR or BTS, I see some lag sometimes. If I play TD, perfect for me all the time.