Halo 3- L4D Survival Remakes

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eternal Reconnaissance, Apr 26, 2009.


How useful is this thread?

  1. This thread sucks. Will never catch on.

  2. It is ok, but not my kinda thing...

  3. I'll wait for it to get popularity...

  4. I like this, hopefully people will use this to publicize L4D maps.

  5. Great, loving the offered challenges.

  6. Amazing thread! I will be active on it for sure!

  1. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    I'm back! Sorry I've been gone, and will be gone even more. But I've had lots of things going on lately. I'm afraid that, like DarkestOfAngels, I won't be making any more remakes, the Deadly Drains will be my last one, and I will release that as soon as we have an official gametype out. Then I'll fix up Beach House and that's it. I will test still, and give ideas for maps, update this thread for challenges and such and just try to stay active.

    As for zombie spawns, they are fine, teleporters are important. The one on BF (you know what it means) is an OK remake, but it isn't SURVIVAL MODE. Zombies don't come until the game is activated. And so, the teleporters are very necessary, and work just fine in EVERY game I've played.

    As for my first map, if any of you complain about it (I see some complaints saying the gametype isn't good) well too bad. It was our first attempt at a remake, now we are figuring out everything, the second one I've made actually works, but we need a gametype. The first will have V2 and work with the official gametype once it's done.
  2. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    Ok me and meta's current set up looks like this
    (if a stat isn't listed its default)
    left 4 halo
    5 min, 3 round, random start infect, 50% start infected
    kill zombie 1 pt, kill human 5 pts, suicide/betrayal -10 pts

    alpha zombie- nothing special

    zombie- 200% dmg resist, 0% shield regen, start with sword, no grenade, wep pickup, no vehicle, zombie color, 125% speed, 75% gravity, infite ammo

    human- 300% dmg resist, 4*overshield, start with pistol, no grenade, waypoint visible to all, 10 M radar

    custom power up- 200% dmg, 110% spd, black

    spawn traits- vehicle riding, and weapon pickup

    classes (each class has two full sets of equipment that spawn in 30 sec, except for tank and custom which spawn in 1 minute)
    common infected-30% spawn chance, sword
    boomer-20% spawn chance, sword+flare
    smoker- 20% spawn chance, sword+sentinel beam
    hunter- 20% spawn chance, sword+grav lift+active camo
    tank-5% spawn chance, sword+gravity hammer+custom powerup
    custom (if no custom then another tank)- 5% spawn chance, custom equipment/ vehicles

    misc notes
    humans get AR, shotgun, sniper, pistols, fire bombs, pipe bombs, trip mines, and fusion coils
    fire bombs, pipe bombs, trip mines, and fusion coils don't respawn, everything else is instant
    no health packs PERIOD (trust me on this humans have a small baseline health that can function like negative hitpoints)
    pallets as DOORS respawn every 30 sec otherwise they DO NOT
    zombies arrive in 1 min by default, or by mappers choice a switch W/ 1 min auto start
    tank+hunters powerups MUST be far out of reach
    mappers are allowed ONE custom zombie a map, please be smart about it, but be unique

    well what do you think Recon? we sure have come along ways haven't we? oh well I'm dragging on
    does anyone have something they would like to debate with this game type?
  3. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    That all seemed really good but I have a few suggeestions...

    IMO left 4 halo sounds dumb...

    4 rounds gives both teams 2 tries (3 rounds was unfair point-wise)

    Zombies need to have no more than a normal spartan does without regen, more than normal health just doesn't feel right, and we are all used to the normal health in halo.

    I tried 10 meter radar and when a zombie runs at you from behind you only have enough time to see the blip on radar and not enough time to react

    no health boost on the custom power-up? we still need more testing on this matter anyway.

    vehicle riding? you can still flip vehicles without riding them I think...

    hunter Oversheild and invisibility are just to mix things up, since the common infected IS the hunter we need some variety, and I figured both would make the hunter and common infected more fun to play (you would pick them up separately, not at the same time).

    pickups need to be far from the infected spawn so the 3-5 second weapon pickup doesnt let them grab the pickups.

    well, thats my veiw on everything
  4. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    -fine we can lose the name just tried to see if something would work
    -4 rounds sounds about right and I support your reasoning
    -the reason for 2* regular health is that it takes 2 shotgun shells or 2 sniper bullets to take out the infected, honestly I have test played with a group it made playing the zombies actually fun, besides, we lack a horde so all we can do is buff common zombies, and specials were already that tough
    -10 M radar is meant to represent the distance from which you can pinpoint an infected's location by sound alone if someone thinks it is too much then we should stick with 25 M radar
    -I apologize for not having tank health in there, my internet crashed on my first post and I had to retype it up it should also say " 300% dmg resist, 4*overshield, 5% shield degen"
    -criticize me if you wish I merely was giving the OPTION for a custom infected to use a vehicle or turret, besides, if they leave it they lose it
    - for what you said on hunters, did you mean that one set should have the overshield and the other the active camo and you choose which one you get? I'm just a little confused
    - yes the equipment piles need to be far apart,not just other zombie spots, but also the human weapon piles, zombies with shotguns should be avoided..... more over, ALL powerups need to be out of reach of a zombie with a grav lift, just float up a rock or what you like, unless you want to start facing hunters with tank power ups.......

    thanks for the feed back, any other ideas for he gametype?
    #284 Riptide Sage, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2009
  5. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
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    I agree with Meta, don't like the name "Left 4 Halo" Although we should have something catchy.

    Recon: I think we should have a list of the unofficial "Official" Testers. Such as me, you maybe Meta if he is up to it.
  6. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    The 10 meter radar doesn't do squat in theory its perfect but in a game it's worthless 25 meter normal radar is what should be in the gametype.

    tank shouldn't be losing health, I think the custom power-up going away is reason enough to have him attack

    For the hunters I was suggesting that in the common infected spawn we have invisibility and oversheilds separate in the spawn rooms so the infected have more fun being normal. (hopefully this clears it up)

    (tube Y-intersection v)



    I appologize if I sound like a jerk in these posts (I dont mean to)
    and I would like to be a tester of L4D games
  7. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    its ok, if we don't talk about the ideas we have and the problems we see, we hurt the project, I would rather have critizim and a good product, then no critizim and a bad one. wow, that was a little too philosophical.....on to work,
    -its settled 25 M radar
    -about the tank's patience meter, I need to do testing to see what exactly happens with the power up running out on him, at worst they keep the tank's health and that would be very bad, however if the infected loses "tankhood" entirely I support your view, if he DOES keep his shields, the only choice is to have the bar deplete over time, forcing the tank to rush as an AI, I will work this out latter tonight.
    - I think I understand what you are saying about the hunter now, however, if the "hunter" is replacing the common infected, he would lose his unique jump, this eases the map breaking problems, but it removes the ablity of the hunter to strike in a very unexpected way, I propose that we give the REAL hunter (the one with the grav lift and 20% spawn rate) the active camo, as suprise is the hunters greatest weapon, and then we give the overshield to the "common infected" (30% spawn rate infected, but no extra tools) turning each "common" into a mini horde, not invincible, but not totally gimp.

    finally I ask the testing team to see if 200% dmg resist for default zombies, is too much for the current build, I believe it will work but I leave it up to you.
  8. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    We should get a l4d testing session going tomorrow

    And the hunter jump totally kills my map (it allows the survivors to go into the zombie spawn) so I suggest we leave that to the discretion of the creator
  9. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    The hunter could lose the grav lift if need be, but, with out that feature, are we keeping the classes of hunter (camo), and mini horde (overshield) at the same spawn rate? due to the power of assassinations in halo I urge we keep the current spawn rate.

    One side note, I apparently had the zombies one default halo health with no regen during my testing, my bad, so we should stick with default unless something else changes.

    Finally, I did some testing with the tank....we have problems, with no shield regen, or with degen ON the tank NEVER gains his overshields in the first place.... which brings me to suggest that we set the custom power ups time to one minute, drop the tanks damage resist to 200% and give him 50% regen, it should be fairly slow recharge, so a persistent team should be able to take him down, but this will need much testing, anyone else have a plan?

    I'm up for test playing tomorrow, if you need any help.
  10. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    everyone should get online at 2 p.m. central time on Saturday and add your GT to your forgehub profile.
    #290 MetaWaddleDee, Jun 17, 2009
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2009
  11. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    one last correction to the listed game type, zombie strength should be 50%, this makes the humans take 12-15 hits, and the 200% tank dmg stays, they down a human in 3-4 hits, watch out survivors!
  12. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I have a very different game variant that gives the survivors 4x oversheilds 1 hit to break pallets and the infected take normal damage and have to hit a pallet 4 times to break it.

    You all should check it out online, because I don't feel like typing it...

    And zombie gravity at 75% or 100%?
  13. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    75%, this way the zombies have an easier time hitting humans
  14. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    And humans have 150% right?
  15. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I haven't really worked on human gravity, but 150% sounds good
  16. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
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    Well, I haven't posted here in a long time. I have some thoughts, and maybe some idea.

    Game Type
    I would say that we build around Meta's Gametype, I played it with him and a couple of his friends, and it worked out almost perfectly (Although something is up with Smoker on his map).

    Also Meta's Spawn system is probalby the best I've seen of the maps so far.
  17. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    O hai.
    Well, I've been away for a while...I won't bother with my vacation details, suffice to say I'll be back home Sunday, and can help test, etc.
    Sounds like a gametype is in the final stages, which is great. If I may weigh in...
    NAME: Just go with "Survival Mode". Its what it is.
    HUNTER POWERUPS: I think it should just be an active camo. If you want a stronger horde to spawn sometimes, just have an overshield in the common spawn area. An incompetant hunter player might pick up both os and ac, which would screw over subsequent hunters. Grav lift is up to the map's creator.
  18. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    I wouldn't go with the grav lift because survivors can use it too and survive some attacks while floating. But Overshields on regular horde spawn isn't too bad. It seems we're getting the gametype finished up, just need some testing in. After we have this figured out, and all the maps up to date, we need to create an Survival Mode write up explaining how the gametype works and how to make these maps, or qualifications to be called a Survival Mode map.
  19. DarkestofAngels

    DarkestofAngels Ancient
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    Recon, I will do that, but I am not alound on computer unless doing some last minute homework, and I am going camping so I might start it monday (Leaving Tuesday)
    Just someone send me some of the things with the game type and I will do my best.
  20. Eternal Reconnaissance

    Senior Member

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    Alright, great. Now just for the maps. I think its about time that I update the thread and add another challenge. So I'll do that maybe tomorrow. Idk, but we need to get more people to make these remakes as well.

    I don't know when I will start working on Beach House V2, but hopefully I will start that soon.

    Look for a much better zombie spawn system, possibly more to the house, and the house smoothened up to make it easier to walk on. It will also have changed weapons for the zombies, and I might also make certain areas look better and make them more worthwhile for using as holdout areas, rather than just the roof or something.

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