I think the sword is the only option here...both the magnum and SMGs are guns, which means shooting, which is a worse problem and would break the game more than the overcharge. As for the hunter, I think to differentiate him he should get (Along with the grav lift) active camo. An overshield would make him more like a weaker tank than a zombie ninja. Plus, if the tank gets an overshield, that leaves three to be used as health packs for the humans. Giving the hunter an overshield would drop that down to two, which is kinda low. So the health system is looking like: Humans -2x overshields -No recharge -Use overshields as health packs Zombies -No shields (Exception is tank) -No recharge
Wait... what happened to the PP? Oh well, the sword should work fine too, provided we give the hunter something for ALL maps. A grav lift won't work, because humans could use this and it won't work on some maps. Active camo... maybe, but definetely no overshields, that is for the tank even though it uses a custom powerup. Now, we need to decide on overall movement, damage modifier and resistance, and other things. Otherwise, 1 zombie might just completely dominate humans or be too weak to make the zombies a fun experience. Maybe a combination of L4D and Halo just to balance the fun factor and remake factor. We still need to test this, so I'll leave that debate open. And the tank. If there is no recharge, then the overshields for the tank can't charge up, and if there is a recharge, it isn't fair. Do you propose we use a damage resistance rather than shields, or give regular zombies shields and low damage resistance, give the tank a small decay and high damage resistance, or something else. I tested the overshields, but that is out of the question, unless no one minds a recharging shields tank.
IMO Humans: -3x overshields -No recharge -Use Nothing as health packs -300% damage resistance Zombies -Normal shields -Normal recharge -50-75% damage resistance
I don't mind not having the health packs, I just think they add a L4D feel. I don't think the zombies should have recharge since that would promote a hit-and-run style of play. With no recharge, there's nothing to be gained from hiding and not charging the humans.
a few opinions on weapons and health. common infected- sword, as anything else encourages hit and run, regular health, no recharge on shields, this penalizes anyone trying hit and run boomer- sword, flare, 2 fire bombs, for blinding effect and damage smoker- new weapon thought, spartan lazer, you CAN'T hit and run, as you need to charge up and aim, not to mention its noticeable. hunter- sword, grav lift, overshield, now don't panic or flip out now it just takes 2 good shot gun shots to kill a hunter instead of 1, and that split second is his big advantage. tank- 2 frag grenades, for his rocks, gravity hammer, fists, and custom power up, for 200% dmg, survivor level health, 5% degen, and a new color. survivor- 4* overshield, 200% dmg resist, no regen, this means their body health goes down to 2 sword hits, a number i found to work well as for the "call the horde button" i'm a fan and it should be included in all maps
Zombies shouldnt get grenades, otherwise it takes the feel of zombies from them, even the tank frags. Zombies should all have regular shields, just non-rechargable, same for survivors, because, if we wanted health packs then even without the health packs, they would still charge shields. I think they should have more damage resistance, so that it takes maybe 5 or 7 sword hits normally, so rushes are needed and full out zombie rushes are needed even more. For the 'call the horde button' I like it, but I've never tried it before in any map, so when I say these problems with it, I may be wrong but: What if the humans don't activate the button and just wait for time to run out and survive the whole thing? Doesn't the button automatically press after a certain amount of time, like whenever the thing the button activates spawns? I don't know about these problems, but from what I know, these could ruin the gameplay, even though he button would be great. But in Halo 3's system, it works differently.
In my map I have a button and it hasn't failed me yet and no spartan laser, that is the definition of hit n' run charge behind wall before it fires you jump out do alot of damage then run for another vantage point.
Technically, waiting out the time limit would be an option, but you'd have the zombies yelling at you, you'd have no way to get points, and eventually the grav lift would spawn anyways. I think it should be included in maps whenever possible.
Well, if you are in a serious game, waiting doesn't matter, cause someone will be kind enough to let zombies out, but some people are just freaks like that. But it will work I guess, just someone needs to teach me how to make it, since I've never made a switch like that before, and I've hardly made any switches at all. I'll go with it, just show me the ropes first.
actually there is good reason i say the spartan lazer is not hit and run, first off it is hard to aim instantly, second you have to charge it up, and finally if you fire a needler, sentinel beam, or beam riffle and hit the wall you hide behind no big deal, do this with a spartan lazer and you take massive damage, thus making it better to fire well a way from the walls, not just snipe through a gap.
If you've seen experience people use the spartan laser, they first confirm the location of the target, then go back behind cover, and jump out right before firing. Its nearly impossible to hit them. The sentinel beam forces the player to remain in sight to inflict damage, much like the smoker.
NO LAZERZ! We need a gametype that works the same for every skill level. If someone super experienced uses the spartan laser, then he will obviously win. If a newcomer gets it, he dies, wastes the weapon, and causes a huge argument. And we would have to change damage modifier to balance it out. No it is out of the question, think people, think. Don't just add something if it sounds like it fits the remake, chances are something else fits as well and that just because something fits, doesn't mean it is the one that fits OUR remake. You know, after this is all figured out, I'm going to create a guide for this kind of map. That way we will know what to do when making these maps, and stop getting these outrageous ideas. No offense intended, but think of EVERYTHING, before you post an idea that may have already been thought of.
ok so have we settled on sentinel beam then for smoker? Also are we going active camo or overshield for hunter, for that extra second to attack, or requiring more set up? finally are we now saying swords as the base weapon, because maulers can't be spawned with, plasma pistol overcharge kills health system, and smg and pistol have range? Whatever the choices are we SHOULD make a guide for making a survial mode maps. Also just to help all the people viewing and working on this, why don't we post the current gametype here?
We don't have enough info for a game type yet, just for an outline (but I agree that we should post what we have) And what if we put both power-ups for the Hunters? The creator of the level can decide to delete one if it becomes a problem, and they can't be used effectively at the same time
On one hand, I want to agree to leave the active camo/overshield choice up to the creator. On the other hand, I think the active camo reinforces the idea of a stealthy zombie.
I mean that both are standard but if the level somehow has a problem with one of the power-ups it doesn't have to go in
I'm about 60% done with my No Mercy Elevator map. The zombie spawns have been made, as has the elevator switch. The switch is activated by approaching the wall, and pressing RB to flip a ghost. This pushed a fusion coil into a man cannon, which sends it flying into a grav lift. The grav lift is destroyed, force spawning another one in the zombie spawn area. The zombie grav lift will spawn normally after 60 seconds if the switch is not activated. I'm currently working on making the basic layout, and will then move on to aesthetics. Hunters get active camo, boomers get flares, smokers get sentinel beams, and tanks get gravity hammers, overshields, and a custom powerup. Humans get an AR, shotgun, or sniper rifle. Any suggestions for anything to include in the map?
quick question, why on earth do you need a overshield for the tank if your already using a custom power up? if only the tank gets the power up why not just change what the power up does and not waste objects and cash on the overshield?
The overshield decays over time. As with the patience meter in Versus mode, this forces the tank to attack the survivors head on rather than hiding. EDIT: Also, I'm about 90% done with the Elevator Crescendo. Tested it and am making final tweaks and whatnot.
have you tried straight up shield decay on the tank using the power up or are you using the oveshield so the tank can only lose the first half his health to the "patience meter"?