I've set a status of 9,386 Custom Games. I planning to go for the full 10,000 Custom Games Before Halo:Reach. If this is possible, I can achieve Ultimate Nerdness. Which will give me many powers like being a No-Life and Give me the ability to get off my chair and into the wilderness of Outside!
Hahaha ive got a friend with over 10,000 social games. He has something like 2700 exp in multi-team If you can get this bench mark yet again, except with custom games you two will be the most well versed players ive ever seen i guess. Good luck lol, youll need it.
wow thats alot, i thought i was a nerd with over 4,000 invested in forge and custom games, but over 9,000?!?!? thats just amazing, im glad to see such devotion to Halo 3. lol
Forge games add onto your custom games? Didn't know that. And yeah, If you want to get the 700 quick, Just make a game varient KOTH where the score is to one and put a starting point in the hill so it is auto-win.
People must play a lot of Halo these days because I only have 2,458 custom games and 528 social games. I never knew Halo was still that cool.
Yeh there is alot of ppl who custom boost...jus go on guardian...an one spawns off da map..and gives em da point n da win...One time i seen a guy with over 500,000 customs
Forge doesn't count, when I am online in Halo 3 I have 1,457 Custom Games, when I look it up on Bungie I have 2,853 custom Games on my current account. Why is there a difference? Custom Games on BNet - Custom Games on XBL = Online Forge Sessions for example 1,457 - 2,853 = 1,396 Forge Sessions on my account The quickest way to get customs games that count towards your Cusom Game Counter is to get a Host Check Map and one buddy, then just start a new game over and over again.
Stand up Earn this Achievement by using the stand up and go outside Armour Ability, once 10,000 custom games have been played. Maybe you will see this one day .