I'll enter my map Hotzone link to map: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/competitive-maps/35957-hotzone.html
*UPDATE* The New Deadline for maps will be the beginning of October. And the winner will be announced very soon after that. So post maps quickly. The submissions will be ending soon so post maps quickly.
hey you guys are getting a ton of maps, and u only have 5 judges. idk if you guys are gonna have enough time. i mean if u guys have school or sumthin idk?
Whoa wait, in the beginning there were 2 categories: Best Competitive and Best Casual! But they're changed now! I liked the old ones better...
*UPDATE* This update was brought to my attention my MattDGiant. There will now be 4 categories for the contest. Best Competitive Best Casual Best Aesthetic Best Overall The Best Overall map will be the one that gets 1600 XBOX LIVE points and plus rep. And the other 3 categories will get plus rep. There will also be 2nd and 3rd Places for each category but they receive honorable mention only. Thank you for your time .
HOORAY FOR UPDATES! I dont think I have a shot at best overall, but I think I can definetly win best Casual.
lol. MattDGiant. You are pretty much the only mini-game/casual map. But you never know, there might be another one soon.