HALO 3 FORGE OFF CONTEST RESULTS Hello Everybody and welcome to the official Results Thread for the Halo 3 Forge Off Contest. **I know this may be very late for some people. I originally said that it would be done October 2, but I had a typo. It was supposed to be November 2 and I apologize for that.** I was very pleased with the results from all of the mapmakers. All of the maps were very well forged and I was honored with judging these maps. Before we get to the results, I would like to give a shout out to people who helped me judge, help with the contest, and keep me and the other judges on task. Judges PJFan83 sdrakulich Bloumbas Cosmic Rick Helpers Tex AmercanPsyco ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Here are the results. Each map was judged will the following template Aesthetic-?/10 Design-?/10 Gameplay?/10 Overall-?/30(adding all the points from aesthetic, design, and gameplay) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ -Sanskrit By eguitarplaya33 and almost999sk8 Aesthetics-6 Design-4 Gameplay-3.5 Overall-13.5 -Square Circle By Linubidix Aesthetics-8 Design-7 Gameplay-8.75 Overall-23.75 -Torpedo Jumpers By MattDGiant Aesthetics-4 Design-7 Gameplay-8 Overall-19 -Regency By dented_drum Aesthetics-6 Design-7 Gameplay-6 Overall-19 -Tapestry By Mastar Aesthetics-7 Design-7.5 Gameplay-8 Overall-22.5 -Perpetuate By Waylander Aesthetics-2 Design-2.5 Gameplay-1 Overall-5.5 -Boxworld By Nan0teck Aesthetics-1 Design-1 Gameplay-1 Overall-3 -***Project X By TheABCrew (Tex & Shad0w Viper) Aesthetics-9 Design-8 Gameplay-8 Overall-25 -Clockworks V3 By EGS Berserk Aesthetics-8 Design-8 Gameplay-8 Overall-24 -***Cave Freaks By Insane54 and Shock Theta Aesthetics-8 Design-9 Gameplay-10 Overall-27 -Boxed In By DimmestBread Aesthetics-3 Design-5 Gameplay-8.5 Overall-16.5 -Rift By makisupa007 Aesthetics-8 Design-7 Gameplay-6 Overall-21 -D_day By NUKEZILLA Aesthetics-5 Design-5 Gameplay-3 Overall-13 -Interrutore By goatnuts420 Aesthetics-8.5 Design-8 Gameplay-6 Overall-22.5 -Intrepid By xFr1ct10nx Aesthetics-6 Design-7 Gameplay-5 Overall-18 -Centennial By Chief wiggum 00 and XX_Blivion Aesthetics-5 Design-5 Gameplay-7 Overall-17 -Elkayar By matt102992 Aesthetics-4 Design-5 Gameplay-3 Overall-12 -Forgotten Crypt By Vicious Vice Aesthetics-6 Design-7 Gameplay-10 Overall-23 -Retinue By Jimbodawg Aesthetics-8 Design-6 Gameplay-6 Overall-20 -Pipeline By A SILENT EMU Aesthetics-5 Design-4 Gameplay-5 Overall-14 -Hotzone By Ghost201 Aesthetics-5 Design-7 Gameplay-4 Overall-16 -Boxes of DOOM! By Killnon2 Aesthetics-4 Design-6 Gameplay-6 Overall-16 -Haven By Picceta Aesthetics-8 Design-9 Gameplay-7 Overall-24 -Macabre V3 By Hotpokkaminny Aesthetics-7 Design-5 Gameplay-4 Overall-16 -PHOBIA By Duckman620 Aesthetics-7 Design-6 Gameplay-6 Overall-19 -Obligation V3 By xRedNormandyx Aesthetics-7 Design-7 Gameplay-7 Overall-21 -Sky Racer By ZATYAD12 Aesthetics-2 Design-5 Gameplay-4 Overall-11 -The Forgotten Temple By bigbucketsbilbo Aesthetics-6 Design-4 Gameplay-4 Overall-14 -Focus By ER1CO Aesthetics-8 Design-7 Gameplay-8 Overall-23 -Maverick(was Impulse) By AmericanPsyco Aesthetics-7 Design-6 Gameplay-6 Overall-19 -Mighty Whale X By desert elite Aesthetics-7 Design-5 Gameplay-4 Overall-16 You can find all forgehub posts(which include download links) here. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/35226-halo-3-forge-off-contest.html **-Important Info ***-Either featured or too good for contest. Disqualified due to map maker reasons. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ And know, for the winners of each category. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best Competitive 1st PlaceClockworks V3 By EGS Berserk(Phreakie now) 2nd Place Focus By ER1CO 3rd Place Obligation V3 By xRedNormandyx________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best Casual/Minigame 1st PlaceForgotten Crypt By Vicious Vice 2nd Place Torpedo Jumpers By MattDGiant 3rd Place Boxed In By DimmestBread________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best Aesthetic 1st Place Interrutore By goatnuts420 2nd Place Rift By makisupa007 3rd Place Square Circle By Linubidix________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Best Overall Haven By Picceta ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Congrats to all who participated and also a big congrats to those who placed in the best maps.
Great job boys. Sorry i couldn't rate all the maps with you, honestly I would have. My disc went all welfare on me. Congrats everyone. AAHH= 1000
Congrats to the winners, and I renamed Impulse to Maverick, so can you make that change? Thanks for taking out the featured maps to make the contest more fair.
I got 3rd place for best Competitive map? wow... that is an old map and I forgot about this contest. My forging skills have increased so that map is crap now. lol
haha 1st place in competitive i like that btw theres a newer version of clockworks that looks and plays better. its called hysteria. and im working on my new map called sanghelios just trying to work out the spawn problems at the moment.
Eh...? Is it really that bad? Whatever...I'm too busy/tired/whatever to care right now. But yeah, if you hold another contest for this it might motivate me to start forging again (as if Sandbox wasn't enough, right?).
Maybe in your opinion, some people though Maverick is going to be featured soon, and some people don't think it's all that good.
really rift wasn't in there? sorry we didn't finish... i had problems dl ing the rest of the maps... it said forum error when i tried...
Im a bit confused, squared circle got an 8 for aesthetics and so did rift but I got an 8.5 so shouldn't that mean I get first? Then if not first for sure 2nd because all my scores were higher than rift accept for gameplay which was the same
thats what im confused on, nothing against squared circle I loved that map, but my aesthetic score was higher
uh huh really bogus how squared circle was best aesthetic when linubidix himself said that it wasnt a big eye teaser and was just meant solely for gameplay. Dark knight i think that one should have gone to goatnuts.