Any one know any way to obtain Halo 3 Forge Maps. So far I've been going through people's fileshares to try to get them. But some original authors have changed their gamertags since was last updated. Are the maps they made lost forever?
If we're talking Halo 3 maps for MCC, then I'm afraid they are not accessible. The only way to access an author's Halo 3 Forge maps for MCC, is if that particular author took it upon themselves to re-forge their Halo 3 map all over again specially for MCC, which is unlikely... I believe there are some groups out there that have taken it upon themselves to re-forge some of the community's old favourites. Like this guy for instance:
Its crazy i've seen about 4 halo 3 forge maps on MCC that were literally identical to the map on halo 3 for the 360. I almost think theres some black hat way of doing it but i dunno
When I think about the geo merging I did on Ephasus, I don't think I could handle remaking that now. Hours & hours of forging back then, lol. That was before they found ghost merging.
Not at all. Some are H2A versions of H3 maps, and the rest are MCC H3 maps which do not require objective placement. For exampke his Grifball map uses the original bomb plants and bomb spawn as the default Foundry map so the court is horseshoe shaped. I thought it was going to be difficult going back to H3 forge but i found it to be quite the opposite since i was able to apply skills i had learned in the later games. I actually missed the leasurly pace of forging H3 where you had time to think things completely through while building. I also find the Xbox One controller far superior to the 360 controller for fine adjustments. In case you haven't seen it yet, here's good example of one of my H3 forging techniques, placing the final and most difficult wall piece on the next H3 Grifball court. Overcoming limitations in Halo 3 forge stimulated your intellect and imagination much more than the others did. Hopefully, some day i will be able to add spawns and objectives so we can actually play on the court. #FixMccCustoms