Well, When playing ranked matches when I lose sometimes I lose EXP, sometimes I dont... when I win... sometimes I gain, sometimes i dont... dont know if its the same with you buts its glitched for me...
You wont gain points if you come in last or close to last... and you also wont if you play the same ranked gametype a hundred times in a row, you have to switch them now and again to continue gaining exp... however I don't know why you would lose points... - Lemon :squirrel_rubberduck:
If you quit out of a game you will lose an exp point. It does not happen right away all the time. Sometimes it can take like 30 min to remove one and you may think that it just took it from the game you just had played even though it was from before.
I know there is glitches like this though, i saw a guy once who had over 400 social games but he had 0 exp... tats just not possible, and he wasnt bad either he was good at the game
He quit out a bunch of the games losing all of his exp. I have played someone in doubles who was a 43 with 15 exp and over 800 games played. I asked him already knowing what he had done but to see what he said. He told me he quits when he doesn't like the person he is playing with.
For some damned reason, when I go 4th place or below in a ranked game, I can go down on Skill. I don't get any EXP.
i'm having a different problem with the skill ranking. im 45 in lone wolves and i got 2nd then 1st three times in a row and then 3rd and i didnt level up at all, then i played one game right after that and got 5th and leveled down. so i kinda hate lone wolves for now.
Well if the 4th place is for Lone Wolves that'd make sense. You only gain EXP if your team wins (not sure how that works for multi-team or Lone Wolves.)
Halo 3 is based on a TrueSkill Ranking system. Depending on how many games you have won recently it will calculate how easily you rank up or down. It you have a bad rating you can rank up OR down very easily. If you have a good rating its hard to move up YET you cannot rank down as easily. I red this online somewhere. It once took me 9 straight wins at a 47 in Doubles to rank up to a 48, then only 6 straight wins from a 48 to a 49. You can only rank up if you are in the top 3 rankings. Sometimes you won't get exp even for getting 3rd or 2nd I think. You always get exp for first obviously. Multi-team you need to be in the 2nd place team or up. Although I have got exp from getting third somehow.