As we all know, many of us are disappointed that Bungie has decided not to include a custom games browser in Halo 3. So that inspired savj14 and me to create the next best thing: Getting a match listed: 1. Create an account/Log in 2. Click "Add a Match" 3. Select the game type you're hosting. 4. Fill out the forms, including map, variant, what time the game is starting & approx how long it'll be hosted for, max players, etc. 5. Click "Register" and the game will posted to the list 6. When the time comes, create your game in Halo 3 & wait for people to join! If you have any suggestions or questions, please use our (newer) forum. Please don't send me any PMs in the Bungie forums, as I will not always be able to answer you in a timely manner. However, either I, or savj14 check our forums on a regular basis and will be able to answer you much quicker there. If you like the site, the number one thing you can do to help us out is to spread the word! Stumble us, Reddit us, us -- tell all your friends, parents, pets, etc. If allowed, put links in your sig for every forum you frequent. Mention us in your blog, MySpace, Facebook. Talk about us on XBOX Live. Do whatever you can to let the site be known. The more people that know about the site, the better it gets! Oh, and check out our sister site, created by BrilliantWinter & STER3O: More info on their site in this thread. --- H3 Customs is holding an auction We're holding an auction for a Dell XPS m1730 gaming laptop, packed with 2 8800m GTX graphics cards running in SLI for extreme gaming performance. If you know anyone who is interested in such a laptop, feel free to send them to the auction page. Profits will go towards helping H3 Customs grow! --- Version 2 is out! Along with this major upgrade come a ton of Positives and a few negatives. You will see the positives when you see the new site. The negatives are that you will need to register again for the site. I know it is a pain as I look at the 2,000+ members on the current site. But Believe me it is a small price to pay with how good the site actually is. Trust me on this. Another negative is that when the site moves to V2 the matches that are currently on the site will be lost. You will just have to repost them on the new site.
Yes i know its something i found on the net, and all of us here custom alot so i was just putting it up there for anyone whos interested