Yeah, I'm guilty of a couple of those...especially the Temperamental one. But hey, Men get pissed off to, alright. :squirrel_rant: But I get angry at any game in general, not just Halo 3. I'm just an angry geek is all,haha. I'm also pretty quiet/Shy(except for me angry out bursts), but I can't talk and play at the same time,it throws me off. But I do let my team know of an oncoming threat when necessary or when ever I have a flag or bomb. I also don't have a mic plugged in when I play by myself and have the voices muted because I don't want to hear those stereotypes mentioned and I don't want them to hear me. But when I play with friends, then my mic is on.
If I ever get angry, I don't let it out until I'm out of the game so no one hears me. Usually in Big Team, I'm a Shy Guy. I only talk during Team Doubles or sometimes Team Slayer.
I'm a huge fan of doing a fake oblivious redneck. Just because it usually makes about 90% of the people laugh and the other 10% pissed off. Some people will try to call you out on it, but if you just stick to it and don't make any notion that your faking it they will all eventually believe your for real lol. If you're ever in a game and you hear this opening line: "I haven't played this map, and where the darn hell is that capture the tank gametype!?" chances are good your talking to me lol.