LIVE Activity for week of July 14th Xbox 360 Top Live Titles (based on UU’s) 1 Halo 3 2 Call of Duty 4 3 GTA IV 4 Gears of War 5 Guitar Hero III 6 Rock Band 7 Too Human Demo 8 Battlefield: Bad Company 9 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 10 FIFA 08 LIVE Activity for week of July 14th - Xbox Lives Major Nelson
New that call of duty did not have enuff standing power to destroy halo for all its glory. thats why I never bought the dam game.
pretty nice, i knew halo would get back on top, where it belongs, i wasn't supprised about call of duty 4 but wait a second.. how is too humon demo! higher than bfbc
No tons of people still love CoD4. And so do I. But they probably better get some new content or people will begin to get bored. and yeah, thought GTA would be higher.
Halo 3 is the longest living and will be the longest living Halo title and 360 game In my opinion. I am glad to see Halo 3 regain its thrown. : ]
Halo 3 was released almost a year ago now and its played the most... Durability. That is a trait not many other games share.
Halo 3 is the game hardcore gamers all come back to. People play other games for a while [Gears of War 2,Mercenaries2,ect.....] Then we all come back to a Halo game such as Halo 3. : ]
Halo has durability because Bungie continually monitors matchmaking and makes changes accordingly. Halo also has weekend playlists. It's bungie's efforts that boost Halo's replayabilty. I'd really like to see them introduce a custom content playlist still.
IDK how people can play COD4 so much. Alot of kids i know from school play the same gametype every day. And idk why they look down on halo. I play it alot because of custom games
The reason why Call of Duty won't last as long as Halo is the skill system. At some point, everyone reaches 55, regardless of skill, so the novelty of the game wears off. Halo is the eternal struggle to reach 50, and after that you still have more to do.
Oh you guys wait till GoW 2 comes out. For me it went H2 - GoW - H3, and I bet it will be GoW 2 next.
GOW2 i can see that being on top (no ****) for months then maybe fable 2 for like a month. But if it's from bungie, expect a large population.
Halo 3 will likely have the most stable user population over the course of the 360's life. Other games will come and go, but Halo will always be there.