Well guys, when you sign into Live and pop in your copy of Halo 3 you will get that little Dashboard message saying there is an update. Click here for the original story
Did it crash anyone's xbox yet? If so make sure you post because I ain't turning Halo 3 on if It's gonna mush up my 360's insides.
I hate how they reset everyone's connection history, I just played my laggiest game of team slayer ever.
The update is retarded. Now both people die all the time. Summary: Games are sometimes better left alone.
That's hilarious. Be careful what you wish for, eh? I DL'd the update and it seemed fine. I haven't played MM yet, I may in the morning...
Now people will still be like: Bungie!!!!!11!!! Fix malay!111idbdb!!!!!!!!111jasd!!!!!!!!!!!!11 They got what they asked for, but now they are going to be mad that both people die. I didn't notice it before, but now it will have in impact on the game. A moment of silence for the flying dead bodies...
85% of bungie's fans are complete retards... they are going to complain no matter how much effort the company puts into trying to meet their endless demands... its pretty sad.
I personally like the new melee, I only played two matches of Slayer last night, but it seemed to work out much better, I'd rather both people die then One and not the other because he had 1 more hit point.
Well for landing that one hit point, you should be rewarded. Whether or not it was luck or skill is what the question is. I personally wished they never updated it. I never saw anything wrong with the initial system. The best would be Halo 2's system if it weren't so dependent upon host.
no my 360 was fine after the AU I love what the update did, after playing a good amount of matches, you can tell the melee is really fixed
Well, the way I see it, at least we can melee. I used to play a shooter that was great for the PS2, but you couldn't melee at all! I like the new system though.