I need help with the security shoulder pads., somethings sya that you unlock them by getting 750 to 850 gamerscore on halo 3 others say you get it from the two for one laser in lone wolves i got the laser acheivement but i dont have the security shoulder pads can someone tell the truth on how to get them pleas. it would be much appreciated. tankx
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. I first got them at around 500-600 gamerscore, but they kept going away and coming back. Honestly, the fool-proof way to get them would to just get all 1000 points.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. You have to get the 5 sticks in one lone wolfes match achievment......and they will go away and come back until they make an autoupdate for it
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. yes i got that achievement to the Lee R Wilson Memorial then they weren't there when i first checked then there were there for a sec when i checked later now their not there at all
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. Agian, Because they are making an autoupdate I might post a vid showing how it changes on my cap. card.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. i have the security shoulders and i have 690 gm 4 halo3 and ive had them since 600 gm. its different for every one, but they should appear around 700 gm.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. bungie did say that this is a well known glitch, and that it will be unlocked for everybody after either the 1.1 update or when the heroic map pack becomes free. but uhh. seeing as to the 1.1 update already came out, probably after the map pack becomes free, err rather, when the legendary map pack comes out.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. For Security Shoulders, you don't need Two for One. No, they said Commando Shoulders.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. if u read wut they say on a whole bunch of websites, it says 750 GS out of 1000 GS, it doesn't matter which achievement u get, but u have to get that much ^^^^
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. It's Permutations, not Premutations. I want the Security helmet so I can get that antenna. I can own in BTB Valhalla with my Assault Rifle AND listen to my sweet tunes over FM radio. Hell yes.
Re: Halo 3 Armor Premutations. okay what u do is get marathon man achievement, and 850 GS i think, but u need marathon man achievement. mine disapeared like last week it pissed me off
Oh NOES!! Not this problem again I had this just a while ago. Here's a thread from a while back, and maybe that will help you. Btw, i now have 960 G with 41 out of 49 achievements and have the shoulders... My advice: keep getting achievements